“Madugo ang 2025 elections”

WHAT could be the possible reason for the demotion of GMA as senior deputy speaker?

There’s plenty.

But let’s take up the reasons as printed in the dailies.

One, there’s an ongoing House re-organization and the demotion was part of that. That is the “safest” reason so far. And the most vague too.

If true, that there is indeed an on-going House re-organization, then that means GMA is not part or no voice in the planning, she is not part of the “re-organized” group and she is deemed an outsider.

Whatever the plan is, GMA is not included.

And that means too, that GMA endorsements will get the back seat. Those who are looking at GMA for support to any government position will also have to suffer because they too, will be included in the mass slaughter.

Two, there is that rumored coup plot in the House and GMA was said to be the coup plotter. GMA denied this and said instead that her demotion is the prerogative of the House Speaker.

Three, there is the so-called consolidation of power among top national leaders and GMA is not part of the group. In fact, GMA is deemed an “obstacle” to that.

Four, there is already a grand plan for the 2028 elections and GMA is, again, not part of that plan.

* * *

Whatever the real cause may be, there are already several hallelujiahs for the demotion of GMA.

Why so?

Because many are in the belief that the only way for Art Yap to get any government position, cabinet rank at that, is thru the blessings of GMA. The demotion of GMA also indicates the fate of her endorsements to close allies and friends. If she is demoted, that clearly means that she is no longer powerful or influential in the House or in the Executive branch and those seeking her endorsements will have to look elsewhere.

I remember an experience last year.

I was asked to submit my Resume to the Office of the President. So I submitted all the necessary documents.

After reviewing the documents submitted, I was summoned inside and got a brutal but frank assessment.

These were the exact words – if you want to get an appointment under the new admin, make sure that you remove your first Reference because if you were not highly considered by the office, then probably, we will just throw away your application in the waste basket. But since you are highly recommended, then that is the reason we are giving you a chance to correct your document.


Now, the same applies kuno to any application that bears GMA’s endorsement or reference.

* * *

How about the resignation of VP Sara from Lakas NUCD?

Well, many are in the belief that her resignation and GMA’s demotion are closely linked. If we go thru this line, then that means even Inday Sara is now “outside the political kulambo.”

And she may well be “in conversation or serious discussion” with GMA.

And yes, it is possible that a political realignment is in the offing. When that happens, then the 2025 mid-term elections will be bloody, as in madugo.

Because whoever gets the most number of political allies after the 2025 elections will clearly have a strong hand in the next presidential elections in 2028.

* * *

Of course, the war starts with the upcoming barangay elections in October. There are already those who are starting to get extra “friendly.”

Nagsugod na og panginhas yawat na lang kapamugas-pugas.

I have no qualms for the wannabes, that is their inherent right.

But please lang pod, kon wa gani kwarta nga andam, kon wa gani tinigom, ayoha usa og hunahuna kon angayan ba gyod nga modayon sa pamolitika.

Because whether you like it or not, campaigning nowadays is very costly. Tanan buhaton mogasto gyod ka.

Kon wa kay ikagasto, pahuway oi.

Ayaw pod pagsalig sa laing tawo. Ayaw ipahid sa laing tawo o idamay ang laing tawo sa imong personal nga problema sa pamolitika.

Lihok on your own kay as I’ve said, it’s a jungle out there.