The name-dropping con man

A POLITICIAN is complaining. Every time there is an official function, the mayor’s spouse is always there, present, and always positions himself in front.

This creates a problem when limited chairs are provided in front, for the VIPs, and some of the invited guests come in late.

They have to endure an embarrassing moment when they have to stand on stage for some time and wait for the chair to be provided to him/her.

Of course, they understand that the spouse is also important but not that important that he should always occupy those seats that are intended for the invited guests.

Pastilan, molingkod dyod na siya sa front bisan kon gamay lang ang gi-prepare nga seats para sa mga bisita, exclaimed the politician.

* * *

Sometimes it’s hard to understand the local political dynamics.

Many times, the mayors are given sure-fire formulas (plural, ha) so they could enhance their food production program.

They listen, rather, they appear to listen, and sometimes they ask questions, as if they’re really interested. Sometimes the questions are pertinent, but most of the time, they are impertinent. As if, just for the heck of asking.

Sometimes, they nod their head, and blink their eyes repeatedly, as if they have finally discovered the right formula. And to underscore their “understanding” of the formula, they repeatedly shake the hand of the “lecturer” as if to give the impression that they really appreciated the “novel” idea.

But after that, nada.

Yes, the silence is deafening.

And when you check, they did nothing, the lecture about enhanced food production program entered their left ear and exit to the right ear, and nothing left in between.

And when they later meet the resource person elsewhere, they keep on asking for updates, like nothing happened to their requests for assistance. And when asked to produce the letter-request, they would beg off for some other day and disappear.

* * *

Many local chief executives are more interested in farm to market roads (FMR) projects than farm mechanization or actual agricultural interventions.

FMRs are simply concrete roads, normally priced at 10 to 12 million per kilometer. If they can secure a pledge from a senator or congressman for a-100 million peso project, they would divide this amount to a-7 or 8 kilometer-road project.

Of course, this would translate to 7 or 8 projects at 1-km only. So if the barangay road is 5 kilometers to the Poblacion, the project would mean that at least 1-km of that is cemented, while the remaining 4-kms is still unpaved.

In their inaugural messages, the mayors would say – mangita na sab ta og laing amigo nga mohatag og budget para makompleto atong karsada.

So for the mayors, that is basically the “need” of the place – a concrete road to link the farm to the market, their answer kunohay to their constituents’ need for food.

Di man sab pwede og 1 project lang ang 100-kms kay moreklamo sab ang uban nga wa mahatagi, mao nang bahinon na lang “aron makatilaw pod ang uban.”

Do you think constructing a 1-km cemented road to a 5-km barangay road is the right answer to the food needs of the constituents?

Op kors not.

And the mayors know that too.

But they like them better than asking for more seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, tractors and other farm implements.

Do you know why?

There are millions of reasons of course.

* * *

When mayors travel as a group, like attending conferences or seminars in Manila, naturally they have their own travel buddies, meaning – mayors who share the same vibes – and they are comfortable with each other.

This translates to a group of 3 or 4 mayors who go out together for some fun and enjoyment.

Those who bring their spouses also go together, like shop together and eat and drink together. Only those who don’t will go out and form their own choice group.

One time, a mayor was seated along with another mayor on the same plane. Upon arrival, they also shared the same hotel van and registered together.

After registration, they went their own separate ways because they have separate rooms but agreed to meet later for lunch.

Lunchtime came and they were seated on the same table and they started the usual topics that mayors love to talk – projects here and projects there.

When they finished that topic, they settled to more mundane topics like going out to visit some “interesting” places in Manila.

Susmariosep, hilabihang buotana man nang tawhana, di man gyod mokuyog sa akong mga storya, labi na kon maghisgot na ko sa mga lugar nga dunay lamiang pagkaon ug imnanan. Siyempre, panagsa ra god ta kabisita og Manila so mo-take advantage lang pod ta nga naka-taak na ta og Manila. Pero di gyod kuno siya, mag-stambay lang kuno siya sa hotel labon libre ang pagkaon.

So what did you do, was the follow-up question.

Gibiyaan nako oy, nangita ko og laing kauban, boring ika-kuyog nang tawhana kay pirmi rang binuotan ang i-estorya, di ko malingaw ana niya, and concluded the comment with a guffaw.

* * *

All the while, many thought the “con man” is done in the capitol, like he is banned or barred from making or proposing preposterous business ventures in partnership with some capitol officials.

But they are wrong.

The “con man” is still on the go, and he is still daring and gutsy in name-dropping once again the name and position of a capitol official. Because he is seen in the company of the capitol official, and even go to the extent of eating his meals regularly in the house of the capitol official, as if he belongs, as if he has contributed immensely to secure the victory of the said capitol official, many thought that he was really in a position to influence anyone by using the name of the capitol official.

But he is nothing but a con man, he is not in any way connected to the office, he is not even a voter in the province.

He is just trying to make money from some government projects by always “mentioning” the name of the capitol official.

The governor is aware of this and he has warned his friends to keep their distance from the con man.

Delikado nang tawhana na, presko kaayo manulti mora’g mao. Dili ra ba na taga-dinhi, mikalit man lang na’g sulpot diri human sa piniliay unya mag-apil-apil pa og yawyaw sa mga meetings, bagaa lagi og nawong tawhana, the words of the governor.

* * *

By the way, when another capitol official attempted to guess the identity of the con man, and mentioned the name of his suspect, he was told that he got it wrong.

The con man is not from the province. And he is not fat or handsome.

He is just your ordinary-looking con man.
