A Canhaway Lad Wins Mister Guindulman 2023

ONE of the major highlights of the 226th Founding Anniversary of the Municipality of Guindulman was the Grand Coronation Night of Mister Guindulman 2023. On May 3, 2023 (Wednesday), the Final Night for the first-ever Search for Mister Guindulman took place at Guindulman Municipal Gymnasium. This is the first edition of the Search for Mister Guindulman, that is why it was one of the most anticipated and most awaited events of Guindulman Foundation Day 2023 Celebration. The Search for Mister Guindulman 2023 was sponsored by Pageant Corner Boutique of Mr. Aaron Balsamo, in corporation with the Local Government Unit of Guindulman headed by Honorable Municipal Mayor, Albino Balo.

The first-ever Search for Mister Guindulman 2023 was participated in with 21 equally handsome, intelligent and talented candidates vying for the most coveted title in male pageantry in Guindulman which is Mister Guindulman. The different barangays and schools in the Municipality of Guindulman were participating in the said search. They were MARBEN PORTRIAS of Bayong, MARK VINCENT SY of Basdio, EDWIN JOSEF BENIGA of Biabas, ANDRE GEM GONZALES of Bulawan, JOEMARIE FELECIA of Cabantian, ELIAM TALAGO of Canhaway, ZOMEL BEROU of Cansiwang, JAMES FRANCIS RAYOS of Casbu, EJEL RAPER of Catungawan Norte, VINCENT TINACO of Catungawan National High School, PEJIE CODILLA of Guinacot, CHRISTIAN JAY HINACAY of Guinacot National High School, ESTEPHEN SIMBAJON of Guio-ang, JHON LLOYD BORBON of Lombog, JEVEE BERSANO of Mayuga, ANGELO GERELLE PELONIA of Mayuga National High School, JOHN RYAN DOLAUTA of Sawang, JOHN DUANE LANAJA of Saint Mary Academy, Incorporated, FRANCIS JOHN ROSALES of Tabajan, LUDIE ESCOL of Tabunoc and JEREMY JOHN RANQUE of Trinidad.

After undergoing the five rounds of competition during the search, namely Production Number, Festival Costume Competition, Swimwear Competition, Formal Wear Competition and Final Interview Competition, MR. ELIAM TALAGO of Barangay Canhaway was crowned as the first-ever Mister Guindulman. Despite him being a first-timer in the world of pageantry and also the youngest among the 21 candidates, he was still able to win the crown and claim the title of Mister Guindulman 2023. He bested the other 20 candidates and was also awarded Best in Production Number, Mr. Photogenic, Face of the Night and Best in Interview.

Eliam is 17 years old and was born on November 4, 2005. His proud parents are MR. MANUEL APOLE TALAGO and MRS. SALVIA SUMAYLO TALAGO. He finished Grades 1 to 5 at Dampas Elementary School in Tagbilaran City. He transferred to BIT- International College Main Campus when he was in Grade 6 up to now. He is now a Grade 11 learner of the said learning institution. He is currently taking the General Academic Strand (GAS) leading to Paramedical Courses.

According to Eliam, his advocacy as Mister Guindulman 2023 is basically about youth empowerment towards fighting against injustices and exclusiveness. He firmly believes in an inclusive world where no gender is greater and weaker. He added that right now, a lot of youths are less empowered because they are afraid of trying and doing what they want to do. He also said that being a neophyte, he exactly knows how it feels to be doubted, but he stood up and work hard. He did not let anything get in the way, and he have proven that if we just keep the faith within ourselves, no matter the heights of the challenge, what is meant for you will definitely find you. He wants to empower the youths in order to feel greater and to dream big.

Eliam also expressed his thanks and gratitude to all his supporters, especially his parents and family. He said, to all my supporters, I am so grateful because of the tremendous support you have shown to me in my pageant journey since it was indeed a very challenging accomplishment to win as the first-ever Mister Guindulman. Thank you so much for supporting me in my Mister Guindulman 2023 journey.

Congratulations MR. ELIAM SUMAYLO TALAGO of Barangay Canhaway who is now Mister Guindulman 2023.