This 2 – C  (Climate Change) problem

Is Climate Change not man’s own making?

Is hot temperature that everyone is beginning  to “enjoy” now  not the fault of man himself?

With the foregoing questions as the guides, it is reminded that everyone has to examine himself and determine his degree of culpabilities in this heartbreaking phenomenon.    

For who else could be blamed, except man himself? Can one blame the dogs, cats, and other pet animals?

It is a matter of a reminder that man is considered the most intellectual among the creatures of the Heavenly Father. He is created for that – to lead the countless number of creatures in the universe.      

So, why blame Mother Nature?

Is it not but timely and proper if Short Cuts would dare say that Man is to blame for this Climate Change?

It is to Short Cuts’ understanding that man is the greatest culprit in this 2 – C (Climate Change) problem.

Imagine felling to the grounds age-old trees! And, without entertaining an idea in himself to plant the same number of trees being cut.

However, this is very understandable. By nature man is indolent. He is always contented with things easily and hastily done. Ignoring totally the resulting consequences that may take place years from the incident.  owseh     

The resulting effect to this practice?

2 – C  (Climate Change).

And, now this can be told.

This dates back in 1998 when Short Cuts was campaigning for Board Member in the province. This incident took place more particularly in LGU Carmen at the then newly-abandoned JAICA project at Barangay Katipunan.

The political meeting was held inside the old buildings of JAICA. Greatly enticed by the abandoned rice fields inside the compound, Short Cuts easily acquired the whole area and converted the same into an agricultural school      the following year.

As a newly-opened tertiary school, Short Cuts had his almost daily visit to the school. And it was on these frequent visits that Short Cuts felt a very unusual feeling.

The place has a very cool atmosphere even at noon time!

And, even in the summer months of March, April, and May in that year and some five years later, Short Cuts could sleep soundly in his room in the midst of a cool atmosphere.       

Unlike yesterday, (Saturday, April 22, 2023) when Short Cuts visited the school. Bisan unsaon ug totakilid, Short Cuts could not sleep. The place was TOO HOT for Short Cuts to take a nap. As an option, therefore, Short Cuts left the place for home.

NOW, before it’s too late, it is the exact time for everyone to be reminded!

ACT Now. This call is to remind not only the ordinary citizens. This is addressed to all HUMAN BEINGS.

Officials in government or not, everyone must do the job.


By planting trees whether fruit trees or not.

For government officials, elected or not, kindly lead the planting.

And, to be an effective implementer of the plan, plant FIRST so that your ordinary kababayan will follow.