Maribojoc tops in real property
tax collection efficiency – report


MARIBOJOC town got it after it has been listed as number one in real property tax collection efficiency for the year ended December 2022, according to the Provincial Treasury Office’s report.

The town overshot its target of P3,574,920.43 of real property tax to P6,285,229.52 or 189.80% the highest, so far.

But the total collection from 47 towns fell short (2.19%) of the target of P391,002,243.00 to P382,443,41.13, or 97.81%, the report showed.

Came in second is the municipality of Candijay with171.41% efficiency in real property tax collection. It actually amassed a total of P9,272,314.86 from its target of P5,405,824.19.

The towns of Cortes and Jagna placed third and fourth, respectively. The former collected P10,796,335.74 (130.24%) from its target of P8,289,872.70 target. The latter, P8,589,046.06 (129.41%) from P6,632,128.76.

Completing the top ten are the following: Danao’s efficiency is 125.80%, collecting P3,007,319.92 from P2,390,496.08; Baclayon, 120.98% with P13,560,415.00 from P11,208,704.43; and Tubigon, 120.94% with P12,897,158.34 from P10,339,009.08.

Antequera’s performance is rated number eight (120.63%) with 4,523,563.00 from its target of P3,750,009.19; Loboc, 119.76% with P5,626,987.16 from target of P4,698,625.24; and Catigbian, 116.57% with P4,628,956.42 from P3,970,902.21.

The total collection from 47 towns is divided into quarterly with first quarter’s collection of P245,759,118.96; second quarter, P42,332,265.88; third, P33,038,285.55; and fourth, P61,313,680.74, the report said.

The report is signed by Virgilio Jala Balon, LTOA.