Social Elements in the Humanistic Sense

PARENTS nowadays have a lot of difficulties and problems in raising their kids. Social media and other environmental factors have a lot of contributions to the growth and development of our young learners. There is a collaborative effort to raise quality students who can be referred to as the key performers in making this world a great place to live in.

The “fundamental principles of existence” could be thought of as social elements in the Humanistic sense. While Garfinkel argues that human behaviors are established through the continuous practical activities of everyday life, Kierkegaard believed that social facts were an absolute standard that occurred from outside individuals.

His main argument was that psychologists while attempting to comprehend what is happening within a situation through some kind of sociocultural lens, would only be analyzing various means, it has something to do with social facts.

A research field termed ethnomethodology is concerned with exploring the concrete, rational thinking techniques of reasoning that members of society employ to go about their daily lives. In an attempt to address the fundamental problems raised by Talcott Parsons’ theory of action, it was developed by Harold Garfinkel.

The idea of disobeying what is accepted standard in society is very significant in this new generation. It is very safe to say, that based on the observations of what we called Millenials, there are a lot of situations, that they love to disobey moral issues and concerns.

The basic principle of participant observation is to disobey social standards and observe people’s reactions. As part of something like a sociological experiment, Garfinkel’s students intentionally contravened conversational standards to create disagreement. Context is important because it instructs one, the receiver, how important to evaluate something, what conclusions to make about what is conveyed (or not), and most importantly, it provides the information context. As a component of a social experiment

It has been said that in school, lessons first before taking the tests, but in real life, test first before learning the lessons. Therefore, there is a great effort needed to provide learners who are ready to face real-life situations.