Girl Scout Troop Leaders on the Go

It has been said that “scouting is fun”. There are many opportunities for life-long learners’ skills enhancement activities. This is the main reason why training programs were offered, to ensure that girl scout activities will be managed by adult leaders with competence, dedication, and commitment.

One of the training programs offered by the Girl Scouts of the Philippines is Age Level Specialization Course. This three-day face-to-face course offered by the Girl Scouts of the Philippines’ Bohol Council, after the pandemic, was held in Cortes Central Elementary School, on February 24-25, 2023. This course aimed to provide participants with the concepts of a) demonstrating a clear understanding of the Basics of Girl Scouting and the Program Framework of the Age Level of their choice, b) identifying and carrying out roles and responsibilities as Troop Leaders and as Co-Leaders, c) planning program of activities for their Age Level Specialization, and d) reporting, recording, and documenting completed activities of their troop, and e) appreciating the value of creating an environment that responds to the needs of the learners under their care.

Girl Scouts of the Philippines Bohol Council and the participants of the course are so grateful to the host, Cortes Central Elementary School teaching force led by PSDS Margarito M. Estose, with  CESP Cristita R. Toradio and DFA Maria Carmelita S. Iyoy. The opening program was graced with the presence of Hon. Ma. Luisa Jumamil, Municipal SB Member. In her message, CESP Toradio, gave emphasis on the values of commitment, dedication, and perseverance are just a few to be developed in the engagement with the scouting movement. Hon.  Jumamil made mentioned, based on her, attending training programs will surely enhance skills, attitudes, and values.

The participants experienced activities that enhanced their ability to deal with the diverse learners’ needs. Bringing their sleeping materials, and enjoying the limited resources are just a few of the manifestations, that they desire to live life in a scouting way.

Research has shown that having a strong support system has many positive benefits, such as higher levels of well-being, better coping skills, and a longer and healthier life. Studies have also shown that social support can reduce depression and anxiety. A strong support system can often help reduce stress and provide comfort in both times of joy and distress. Studies have shown that having supportive relationships is a strong protective factor against mental illnesses and helps to increase our mental well-being. Scouting activities are considered part of the support system that could be offered in the delivery of instruction.

The elements of the girl scout promise and law: duty to God, to the country, and mankind were emphasized in this training program, through badgework processes