Mysterious Thing Called Love

WE celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th. People celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to their partners, family, and friends. People also give flowers, chocolates, stuffed toys, and others during this day to show their love and affection. During this day, people go to parks, restaurants, movie houses, hotels, and other places to celebrate Valentine’s Day. People are extra happy, inspired, and in love specifically on this day.

There are plenty of definitions of love. But, in this article let us focus on the definition of love which has something to do with the love and affection between lovers. Based on the dictionary, love is an attraction based on sexual desire. It is also affection and tenderness felt by lovers.

Moreover, based on the article “What is Love?” by Kendra Cherry, love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time. It is associated with a range of positive emotions, including happiness, excitement, life satisfaction, and euphoria, but it can also result in negative emotions such as jealousy and stress.

There is also a definition of love that is also common among people. Some people define love as a mysterious thing. Love is indeed a mysterious thing. The word mysterious means difficult or impossible to understand, explain or identify. It is strange, not known, or not easily understood. Love is considered to be mysterious since some mysterious events are associated with love. Indeed, Love is mysterious.

Based on the article entitled “Why Love Is So Mysterious?” which was written by Kavita Kumari, love is a mystery. You never know when you fall for a person so deeply that you cannot see a single tear in their eyes. You will never find out why you always think about your love every second and you just want to see them in front of you. You will never understand how a person who never cared turned so caring and loving. You would not understand how you can know what your partner must be thinking. You will never understand the logic behind experiencing the same amount of pain as your partner suffers. You even do not know when you starting loving anyone. It is just a process that is jumbled up. This beautiful feeling can never be understood. “LOVE IS A MYSTERY” and this mystery can never be solved.

Yes, it is true and correct that we do not know when we fall in love with a person. We are going to do everything just to have that certain person in our life as our special someone. We will do everything because of love and because of that person. Another thing is, there are also some individuals that even if they are in pain already because of their partner, they still want to be with that person. We still want to be with that person because of love. We will do everything because of love. Love is mysterious.

In the song entitled “Love Moves In Mysterious Ways” by Nina, love moves in mysterious ways. It is always so surprising how love appears over the horizon. I will love you for the rest of my days but still, it is a mystery how you ever came to me which only proves love moves in mysterious ways.

Indeed, it is a mystery how a certain person can come into our lives. We do not know when and how the love started between two people but this proves that love moves in mysterious ways. Let us just put in our minds and hearts that we must be cautious enough when it comes to love so that nobody will be in pain because of love.