Sleep Well and Be Healthy!

TEENAGERS nowadays, except for some, have an active nightlife. They go to places with their friends and they spend the night bonding with their peers. They engage themselves in activities like using their computers or phones just like browsing through their social media accounts and playing online games even if it is already late at night. Some go to bars and clubs where they drink alcoholic drinks. Some are just roaming around their locality, riding their motorcycles, and having fun. They stay awake even until the wee hours of the morning.

This practice of some teenagers nowadays is not good. It can affect their body’s health and well-being. Instead of sleeping early at night, they are doing the opposite. They are doing activities at night thus making them sleep late. Sleeping late does not give any benefits to anybody, especially teenagers who in reality must sleep early and must have a longer period of sleep since they are still young. Teenagers and young adults must sleep early and must sleep well since sleeping early gives plenty of benefits as they grow up.

Based on the dictionary, sleep is a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the eyes are closed, the postural muscles relaxed, the activity of the brain altered and consciousness of the surroundings practically suspended.

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout our life. The way we feel while we are awake depends in part on what happens while we are sleeping. During sleep, our body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain our physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. Getting inadequate sleep over time can raise our risk for chronic ( long-term ) health problems. It can also affect how well we think, react, work, learn and get along with others. Learn how sleep affects our heart and circulatory system, metabolism, respiratory system, and immune system and how much sleep is enough (Why Sleep is Important).

There are many things that we should do every day to stay in good health: exercise, eat well, drink water- the list goes on. But for some reason, sleeping is not high on the list. It should be. According to experts, quality sleep is vital to our physical and mental health. And being sleep-deprived can have lasting effects, so it is time to make sleep a priority. These are the four key reasons why our body and mind need sleep: it helps the brain function, it keeps emotions in check, it reduces disease risk and it keeps weight under control ( Reasons Why Sleep is Important).

Sleep is vital to our body’s health and well-being. It gives plenty of advantages to our well-being. So, everyone including teenagers and young adults must always put in their hearts and minds the true essence of sleep. Everyone must make sleeping a priority because it gives plenty of good effects. Let us prioritize sleeping. Let us make sure that we sleep early every night since our body is repairing damaged or destroyed cells, tissues, and other body parts when we sleep at night. So, give proper importance to sleep.

Parents, guardians and other adults must advise their children to sleep well and early every night. They must strictly monitor their children every night and make sure that they are sleeping early and sleeping well every night. They must teach their children the importance of sleeping and its benefits to our body’s health and well-being. If we sleep early, for sure it can give us plenty of good effects. So, let us sleep early and well every night. Always sleep early and be healthy!