3 more worn-out rebels ‘send surrender feelers’

NO COMMUNIST TERRORIST INITIATED INCIDENT. According to Capatin Jetrod Canajug who represented  Col Allysojn Depayso during the last PPOC Meeting, with a manpower of 9, the CPP NPAs in Bohol have no capability anymore to initiate violent incidents, especially when Boholanos are now immediately reporting the rebels presence in communities.

COMING in after the surrender of a key underground movement official in November, three more members of the remnants of the Bohol Party Committee of the New People Army are reportedly sending out surrender feelers and finally want the way to peace.

This after the local armed terrorist members, of the disbanded NPAs, are slowly realizing their lost cause coupled with major setbacks and the recent death of their visionary founder Joma Sison.

Romeo Teruel, Bohol’s Ending Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC) executive assistant to Governor Erico Aristotle Aumentado shared to the council that he hopes Bohol can seal the deal with three more members of the 11 known remnants of the disbanded company sized rebel organization that used to choke Bohol in terror.

Teruel’s information also came a few weeks after the community in Barangay Baunos in San Isidro reported to the military the presence of armed men camped at an isolated Sitio Bajong, after a visitation activity of their former members, December 28.

The ensuing encounter for about 10 minutes left both the government troops and the ragtag rebel army without any casualties.

The government troops however recovered from the temporary encampment site some subversive documents, medicine kits, AK 47 assault rifle magazine and ammunitions, Caliber 45 pistol ammunitions, poncho tents, food packs,  and personal belongings.

Last December 16, Communist Party of the Philippines also dies in Utrech, the Netherlands while he was on exile. 

About two years ago, the biggest armed encounter between the government troops and the remnants of the rebel movement in recent years happened in Cabacnitan, in Bilar Bohol, which left a key official of the movement and several   members as casualties.

The fateful encounter between the rebels and government troops also happened after residents reported of the presence of the armed group in their area.   

The encounter also hastened the progress of the campaign for peace as a brother of an NPA killed in action formally surrendered to the local officials in exchange for peaceful life.

As this happened, 47IB official representing Colonel Allyson Depayso said the enemy under the defunct Bohol Party Committee is now comprised of alias Ka Eloy as squad leader, alias Ka Boy or Loloy, alias Ka Jusper, alias Ka Billy, alias Ka Brando, alias Ka Rico, alias Ka Benjil, alias Ka Diego and Alias Ka Aldren remaining with only 10 fire arms and no barangays to harbor them.

Along this, Governor and Provincial peace and Order Council chair Erico Aristotle Aumentado cited the series of incidents as a signal that terror in Bohol is about to end.

He then called on Boholanos in charge of internal security operations, the police as well as the communities to continue and intensify all efforts to make Bohol truly insurgency free. (PIA-7/Bohol)