GMPHospital in Talibon recipient of LHS awards

THE Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital (GMPH) was a recipient of several awards during the2022 Local Health Systems Awards held last November 25, 2022 at Bai Hotel Cebu, Mandaue City, Cebu. The event was organized by the Department of Health Central Visayas Center for Health Development.

The Chief of Hospital of GMPH Dr. Miguelito S. Jayoma, represented Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital during the momentuous event.  The chief was honored to receive the recognition for the institution during the said summit.

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital was given four (4) awards during the occasion.  The first accolade was the Best in Functional Operation Center, the second recognition was an Honorable Mention as Best Hospital with DRRM-H Team, and the third award was an Honorable Mention as the Top Hospitals with Best Practices and last but not the least was the honor to be one of the Top 5 LGU Hospitals with an Institutionalized DRRM-H System.

The LGU hospital with Institutionalized DRRM-H System.Active in Risk Management, Outstanding in Risk Reduction in Emergencies and Disasters (A.R.M.O.R.R.E.D. Award) as one of the Top 3 Performing LGU Hospitals. This award recognizes the performance of hospitals under the flagship of the Local Government Units which excelled in the area of providing health programs and services to its constituents and its contribution to the DRRM-H Institutionalization in Central Visayas.

In the same event, GMPH was awarded and distinguished as one of the Hospitals with the “Hospital with the Best DRRM-H Team”. These credits are a few of the most coveted awards during the conference which honors the exemplary performance and contribution of institutions on the Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Health (DRRM-H). The institution also received a fourth award for being one of the “Hospital with Best Practices” which gives distinctions to hospitals with best practices in the delivery of safe and quality health service.

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital shall endeavour to excel in the field of healthcare delivery and will continue its mission to deliver the best healthcare services it can offer to the Province of Bohol.

The Quality Policy of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital states that it must provide quality healthcare services to its constituents with high level of skills and professionalism through a dynamic and innovative pursuit of a better, productive and healthier community. It is committed to satisfy the customers to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management Services.

In the context of the Quality Service, the hospital has achieved its Patient Satisfaction to 99%. This had been validated during the Certification from ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System last March 7-8, 2022 by the TUV-SUD Auditing Team during ISO Surveillance 2022.

Recently, GMPH was audited once again by TUV-SUD for QMS ISO-9001:2015 last December 22, 2022. The institution is proud to express its overwhelming joyousness for the Re-Certification by the TUV-SUD as an QMS ISO 9001:2015 accredited hospital. Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital was in awe with the result of the audit. There was no Major nor Minor Findings/Errors in the Quality Management System of our humble institution. All staff are elated with the achievement of the hospital. The employees’ team effort indeed became fruitful.

GMPH shall continue to seek improvement of the quality of its services towards its constituents. This will only be achieved through the joined efforts of all its employees who are united in their desire for excellence. (PR)