A Better Position!

Many of us are glad to see the end of every year. For many of us, the past year was filled with a lot of bad things and too little of the good stuff, or the other way around for others. Few, if any of us at all, will remember many of the things that happened within the past years (that’s what usually happens, after all).

We hope with 2023, just like every other new year, that things will be different.

A new year is just another set of 365 days, a new rotation around the sun. At its simplest form it’s just the resetting of a clock consisting of 12 months. Some will even say the only significance a year has is marking the passing of long-term time.

But then again, it would not hurt to look at a new year as a time to start again, to make those changes we always wanted, to finally embark on those ventures we said we would dare do, to finish those tasks we said we would accomplish.

With every new year, comes new hope after all.

Meanwhile, inasmuch as we would want great news in our “new year”, an unfortunate event had grieved the hearts of the Catholics as the news of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s death had greeted them. The Vatican had announced his death, hours before the “new year”.

However, despite such news, life continues.

One thing we have going for us this new year is that we will face yet another continuing challenge. No doubt this new year will bring in as much challenges as the previous one, if not more. But because we have learned from living through the past years, we will be in a better position to face and conquer these challenges. (AJDB)