Christmas Evokes Memories …

PEOPLE feel more nostalgic during the holidays because many memories are reawakened and relationships renewed. During the holidays, families and friends get together to celebrate and reconnect; they get caught up on one another’s lives, reminisce and browse through old photographs.

The holiday season is here and we’ve almost made it to Christmas. Mostly everyone is anticipating the break and  talking about holiday plans and meeting up with their families again.

The season gives everyone mixed emotions about the stress of buying presents, decorating and cleaning (for some). Others are remembering the people they’ve lost and the Christmases they shared.

This is the time of year that is not only a good break from everyday stress, but a celebration of religion.

Who we’ll be buying Christmas presents for and what we’re getting them. Wondering what will be under the tree and imagining the food.

Christmas lights, parties and squares all to rally us up for our day of celebration. Advent’s begun and the spirit is here. Walking into church, you’ll see the poinsettias out with Christmas trees, holly and candles.

Yes, Christmas evokes memories and sentiments that travel with us like treasured gifts of our hearts. It is the time for reflection of the past year and of things we’ve done to make a difference in the lives of others. Hopefully, we did.

It’s indeed a time for thanksgiving for the blessings received, and for the trials and pains that helped shape, strengthen, and mold us to become better persons.

“Hay nako” – the typical Philippine expression, I adopted many times since living in the Philippines for good. What on earth am I here for?

The more I look around, the more people I’m able to observe: stranded people, still having an optimistic smile on their faces. People, who are losing more and more of their bearings and are getting muddled in their lives.

If political leaders confuse us more instead of leading us on the right way, we cry out for a satisfying answer through the institution church.

Modesty will never get them what they actually deserve. Charity and brotherly or sisterly love, as the bible teaches us, are becoming foreign terms. Moral and human values are badly needed to drive out energy and vigor in our daily life as we stroll into painful indifference and sharp-peppered egoism.

During the last weeks, as in every year, I received innumerable religious and philosophical literature and invitations from several institutions. I must confess that I have been confused many times. I am sorry and I really wish to apologize, if I reject most “of this stuff”, and, if I decide NOT to answer such emails or text messages. Sure, it’s Christmas time, but… .

May the love and humility the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ signified remain etched in our hearts. Let not the frenetic gift-giving and seemingly endless merriment be the pristine message that Christmas imparts.


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