FCB’s Richard Uy to media: “Don’t take for granted being a media”


FIRST Consolidated Bank’s president emeritus Richard Uy has a good reminder, if not advice, to Bohol media personalities: “Don’t take for granted being a media.”

Mr. Uy issued the statement during the Christmas party of Bohol Tri-Media Association (BTMA) led by acting president Atoy Cosap held at Bohol Tropics Resort on December 4, 2022.

Since 2007, FCB is always there to bankroll and sponsor the Christmas shindig attended by media personalities of Bohol Chronicle, Bohol News Today, Bohol Times, Bohol Sunday News, DyRD, DyTR and Bee FM 92.7.

Mr. Uy said that it is very important for media “to show professionalism and responsibility,” and do what is right in practicing their craft.

He said that to be able to do it, he suggested to always remember the golden rule. “Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself,” as what Chinese philosopher Confucius once said.

To report what is prevailing situation with reliable, accurate and timely news is what appeared to be Mr. Uy is tyring to convey.

The advice came at a time of confusion when digital media or “social media” came into play with bashing people with meaningless content and news in a sham form, according to a media practitioner, who refused to be named.

He said that My. Uy’s reminder is timely when some Bohol media, particularly those in broadcast, seemed to be irresponsible in attacking government officials with insufficient evidence or documents.

Despite the divergence of media personality, Mr Uy said that to report it correctly may clear the way of understanding since the world is battered with troubles.

He cited the Russia’s invasion in Ukraine that disrupt the world economy, shooting the prices of petroleum products to the highs.

Climate change has taken toll on the country despite the fact that Philippines measly contributed less than one percent of the total pollution in the world with a minute effect. But the impact to the country seemed to be greater than what people thought.

The United State is facing a dilemma of the extreme left and extreme right’s infighting almost forgetting the middle class.

Mr. Uy ended his 8:20-minute speech with a heart-felt thanks to the BTMA as he said he was happy to everyone after over two years of pandemic. (rvo)