Be Thankful Always

THE dictionary defines “thank you” as a polite expression of one’s gratitude. It is used to tell someone that you are grateful because they have given you something or done something for you. It is a lovely gesture to express your appreciation, as well as your gratitude for the support someone has provided you.

If someone has helped you, let them know that you appreciate their assistance by saying thank you. It is proper to express your heartfelt thanks and gratitude to someone who has helped you. Expressing your thanks and gratitude can make them feel that you value their help, support, and assistance. So, never forget to say thank you to someone who has helped you.

According to “The Ripple Effects of a Thank You”, researchers who are studying gratitude have found out that being thankful and expressing it to others is good for our health and happiness. Not only does it feel good, but it also helps us build trust and closer bonds with the people around us.

Indeed, saying thank you is beneficial to one and all. It can give good effects on one’s health and well-being. It can also strengthen our relationships with others and can make closer bonds with others. Saying thank you can make us polite and thoughtful since we are expressing our gratitude to others who in one way or another other have helped us. It can also make the person whom you are saying thank you, happy since you are expressing your gratitude to them.

As far as positive psychology goes, gratitude is strongly linked to personal well-being and happiness. Based on “The Benefits of Saying “Thank You”. Being thankful is shown to make us more positive, and more resilient and improve our relationships too. “Thank You” are two words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, performance, and success. Research tells us grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships (The Surprising Power of Thank You)

“Thank You”- two simple words with the power to change our entire outlook in life. Based on “10 Reasons to Always Say Thank You”. There are 10 great reasons why this phrase of gratitude belongs at the forefront of our daily interactions. ( 1 ) Saying thank you keep us humble; ( 2 ) Saying thank you makes us fully appreciate our blessings; ( 3 ) Saying thank you makes us feel more optimistic; 

( 4 ) Saying thank you encourage compassion, kindness, and love; ( 5 ) Saying thank you shows selflessness; ( 6 ) Saying thank you is good for the spirit; ( 7 ) Saying thank you is good for the heart; ( 8 ) Saying thank you can be a kind of prayer; ( 9 ) Saying thank you inspire wonder in our existence; and ( 10 ) Saying thank you connect us to the goodness within others.

Let us always remember to say thank you if ever someone has extended their help and assistance to us. It connects one person to another. Saying thank you acknowledges the effort and thoughtfulness of others. It can make our connections with others better. It is indeed beneficial to say thank you to others. Saying thank you means a lot and it matters a lot, too.

Let us be thankful for others even if others are not or even others will not. There is no harm or bad effect if we are always thankful for others. Instead, it can give everyone a good effect. Let us engrave in our hearts and minds to be thankful always to others, especially to those who have extended their help and support to us in one way or another.

Let us not also forget that if we are thankful to our fellow men who have extended their help and support to us, it is also right and proper to be thankful always to our God Almighty who is the owner and source of everything we have. Let us be thankful to God for all the blessings He bestowed on us every day of our lives, it is because, without Him, we are not here. He is the reason for our existence and all the blessings that we have in our respective lives. Let us be thankful always.