Extraction tax collection in Bohol rises

THE extraction tax collection from the quarry/sand/gravel operations in the province has drastically increased during the five-month period (July-Nov 18), higher than those collected from January to June 2022, according to Bohol Mineral Resources Regulatory Office (BMinRRO) headed by Engr. Ana Luisa E. Galicinao, G.E., who was one of the resource persons of the Capitol Reports last Friday.

The said office amassed Php10,522,000.00 for July-Nov. 18, 2022 very much higher than Php3,927,000.00 collected from January to June, 2022.

As for penalties, the regulatory office collected from July to November, 2022 Php259,850.00 compared to the January to June, 2022 collection of Php35,950.00.

These new benchmark figures achieved by the said office are clear indicators of the Provincial Government’s resolve through the BMinRRO to eliminate corruption by enforcing the rule of law.

Colonel Eduardo D. Malig-on, head of Bohol Environmental Protection Task Force (BEPTF) said in an interview that from October to November 18, 2022, there were only six apprehended violators as others were able to present a valid delivery receipt.

He underscored that this is a good indicator that the Aumentado-Balite tandem vowed to protect the natural environment and enforce Provincial Ordinance No. 2020-035, otherwise known as the Revised Bohol Mining Ordinance of 2020, has borne fruit.

Col. Malig-on further stated that given this drastic drop in the number of apprehended violators, citing 17 apprehensions from the months of August and September. Mineral traders now know that the Provincial Government is serious in enforcing the law and protecting the environment. This has prompted traders to comply with the Revised Bohol Mining Ordinance of 2020, he said.

The decrease in the number of apprehensions means low collection of penalties but high collection of extraction taxes from quarry operations.

Engr. Ana Luisa E. Galicinao, G.E and Colonel Eduardo D. Malig-on assured everyone in attendance of the vigilance and resolve in the enforcement of the provisions of the Revised Bohol Mining Ordinance of 2020.

As front liners in the fight against illegal quarrying, Galicinao and Col. Malig-on have requested the assistance of all barangay captains and all other stakeholders to continue adhering to the provisions of the Revised Bohol Mining Ordinance of 2020 since the barangay has 40% share from extraction tax collected.

The towns where the extraction and quarry operations are located have 30% share and the province, 30% pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1911.

Earlier on, Gov. Aris Aumentado vowed to ban any form of “Ivan” extorting money from quarry operators contrary to the previous administration which has been allegedly figured in shady quarry exaction.

Resource persons Engr. Eduardo Labunog and Salvador Maluenda, president and vice-president of the Bohol Small-scale Miners Association, respectively, did not answer if there was really “Ivan” during the past administration when media threw a probing query.

Other resource persons include Atty. Reynard Namocatcat of the Proviincila Legal Office (PLO), Donita Rose Calipes and Hilarie V. Gonzales (both of the BMnRRO) and Winston Bolo, residet manager of the Garcia-Hernandez-based Bohol Limestone Mining Corpoation. (PiMO/rvo/MAEP)