LTFRB conducts LPTRP crafting

THE Provincial Government of Bohol through the Provincial Planning and Development Office has requested the assistance of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), Regional Franchising and Regulatory Office No. 7, in conducting a Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP) Crafting and Revision Workshop.

The LPTRP Crafting and Revision Workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical understanding of the processes concerning the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program. The workshop aims to facilitate the finalization of the LPTRPs of the participating Local Government Units (LGUs).

As one of the ten major components of the PUV modernization program, this workshop intends to equip the Local Government Units (LGUs) with the technical and practical knowledge to carry out the crafting and revision of their respective LPTRPs.

The Public Modernization Program is the largest non-infrastructure program and is a response to the country’s growing transportation inequities and transportation demand in the future. This program’s overarching goal is to modernize the country’s public transportation infrastructure to make commuting and public transportation operations more dignified, humane, and up to date with international regulatory standards.

This goal will be realized through the program’s ten major components, composed of Regulatory Reform, Initial Implementation, Industry Consolidation, Fleet Modernization, Route Rationalization, Local Public Transportation Route Plan, Financing, Social Support Program, Vehicle Useful Life Program and Communication.

The on-going Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP) Crafting and Revision Workshop runs from November 8-10, 2022 at the Ceremonial Hall, New Provincial Capitol. Attendees of the workshop are the Planning and Development Coordinators of LGUs in the province. (PIMO/rvo/maep)