Be Proactive!

A storm has fallen over Bohol once again. It is good that it was mild compared to typhoon Odette; otherwise, we would have had to undergo another month of blackouts and a shortage of water supply. The irony is that we are so used to being on the receiving end of such poor government service that we shrug it off. What prompted me to say this remark? Because our government is reactive instead of proactive in this matter!

Instead of devising plans in case of future calamities like a typhoon, they want us to thank God for sparing our lives and start rebuilding. Is it ever that easy? No offense, but thanking God is not a solution but a prerogative, and rebuilding takes time, money, and a sense of security. Who in their right mind would want to build again if there is no action to ease the turbulent minds of the people who just lost their houses and livelihoods? Money does not grow on trees, people! Especially time!

It is time to wake up, my brethren! It is time to take this matter to the street, make the government work, and focus on this issue once more. We had enough of so-so service. We demand more from the taxes we pay and the blood, sweat, and tears we spend on building our sense of security. We hope the good governor and his round table will be more proactive in environmental safety, electrical power supply, water abundance, and emergency measures for our future. (MIDB)