Election “hot spots” in the province

Politics is a very dirty game nowadays. Candidates from different political parties must be cautious in the campaign. And much more to the voting public.

Camp Dagohoy thru provincial director Col. Osmundo Salibo bared to reporters the “possible election hot spots” here in the Bohol province.

Towns were being categorized as follows: yellow, orange, and green.

Towns being tagged under Yellow category were: Antequera, Baclayon, Calape, Catigbian, Bien Unido, Buenavista, Danao, Sagbayan, San Isidro, San Miguel, Talibon, Trinidad, Ubay, Carmen, Garcia-Hernandez, Guindulman, Mabini and Pilar.

Under Orange category were Balilihan, Tubigon, Batuan, Bilar and Sevilla.

While under Green category were Tagbilaran City, Alicia, Anda, Dagohoy, Candijay, Getafe, Corella, Cortes, Dauis, Loon, Maribojoc, Panglao, Sikatuna, Pres. Carlos P. Garcia, Dimiao, Duero, Jagna, Lila, Loay, Loboc, Siera-Bullones and Valencia.

Yellow category is explained as election areas of concern (EAOC) with “occurrence of suspected election incident in last two elections; existence of partisan rivalry; presence of armed groups; and the area is previously under Comelec control.”

Orange category or election areas of immediate concern (EAIC) “when there’s a combination of two (2) or more of yellow category; there’s serious threats posed by the New People’s Army (NPA), Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and other analogous groups.”

Red category or election areas of grave concern (EAGC) “refers to existence of one or more (situation) under Yellow with armed threats under Orange. The Comelec may direct the police and army as the need arises and the reshuffling of police personnel.” So far, there is no Red category in the province.

Green or election areas of generally peaceful (EAGP) “refers to areas that are peacefully and orderly in the exercise of the elections.”

But Col. Salibo said that the Boholanos need not worry because PNP and AFP will see to it that they can control if danger occurs.

But of course, the people must be aware all the time. (Wilson Auguis Subrio)