Valencia creates TAO to run after scalawags


NEOPHYTE municipal Mayor Dionisio Neil A. Balite of Valencia town has created the Transparency and Accountability Office (TAO) aimed at running after scalawags or those involved in irregular activities while performing their duties in the municipal government.

Balite, who issued the executive fiat on June 30, 2022 after he assumed office, told this writer exclusively that the move is patterned after the Office of the Governance and Accountability and Review (OGAR) issued by Gov. Aris Aumentado.

Balite said that composing the office is his father, former vice-governor Atty. Dionisio Balite, as head, with members:  Atty. and former Judge Helen Cabatos, Atty. Nilo Pala, Engr. Albien Gamutan, Rudy Palaca and Urso Cajilog, researcher and Junrey Namocatcat, secretariat.

The mayor said that TAO is authorized to conduct an investigation and determine personnel responsible or involved in unscrupulous transaction with the government. It is also mandated to determine the acts inimical to the governance.

It is also tasked to recommend to the municipal mayor appropriate actions to address whatever findings of the said office.

It is also given wide access of all the records of the municipal government and obtain sworn statement from witnesses when needed.

If anything is worth for appropriate action, the mayor’s office may seek legal assistance from the provincial government, the mayor said. (rvo)