The DepEd employs an RPMS (Results-based Performance Management System. It is a collaborative effort that promotes open communication about job expectations, Key Result Areas, Objectives, and how these correspond to overarching departmental goals. It provides an opportunity for discussion on performance standards and conduct that promote professional and personal development inside the organization. IPCRF Competencies and Skills: Core Skills include: Oral communication, Written communication, and Computer/ICT skills, and Core Behavioral Competencies include: Self-management, Professionalism and Ethics, Result and Focus, Teamwork, Service Orientation, and Innovation.

RPMS aims to provide comprehensive guidelines for the adoption of the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) in DepEd. These guidelines stipulate the specific mechanisms, criteria, and processes for the performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation, and development planning for schools and offices, covering all officials and employees, school-based and non-school-based, in the Department holding regular plantilla positions. (DO 2, s. 2015 – Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education). This is why teaching, teaching-related, and non-teaching personnel are providing services with means of verification (MOVs) to support their performance with effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and timeliness. Capability-building programs based on the needs of the personnel were provided. Supervisors and principals are visiting schools to provide technical assistance to teachers in the delivery of their basic education services.

Hingotanan National High School is an island school in the Bien Unido District. Though the school has a scarcity of resources, the whole school community is trying its best to offer the best services and be compliant with the DepEd’s mandates, policies, and guidelines. The HNSS has a lot of supportive stakeholders, so the school community can provide the needed basic education services to the learners. In times of the new normal delivery of education, there is a need to provide capability-building programs and activities to enhance teachers and school administration’s skills, competencies, values, and attitudes.

HNHS teaching and non-teaching personnel encountered a lot of concerns, issues, and difficulties in their work as an island school.
They got material and material support, not only from the school’s maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) but also from the different stakeholders.
There are indeed a lot of innovations from DepEd concerning the delivery of basic education services, but DepEd personnel got support from the Human Resource Management Officer from SDO Bohol. The Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions were conducted to provide support for the enhancement of performance among personnel. Though there are lots of needed items in the curriculum implementation, what should be prioritized are the human resources. True to its words from SDO Bohol Superintendent, Dr. Bianito A. Dagatan that “in DepEd Bohol, we care for all”, capability-building programs were offered by the education program supervisors from the different learning areas to enhance the teaching, and non-teaching personnel.