Onwards to Recovery!

Bohol has removed the COVID-19 vax card requirement for entry as long as the person is asymptomatic. This executive order has eased the way for more tourists and visitors to experience our beautiful island. This order will also help improve our recovering economy due to the virus mentioned above. However, as with everything, this also comes with its negative aspects.

Asymptomatic travelers carrying the disease might also slip unnoticed, becoming a potential risk for our Boholanos. Aside from that, there is nothing more to add in the negative aspects section, except for the usual ones. All we can do is be vigilant and honest about whom we encounter, especially if it is a family member. Sometimes we lie to keep our family members out of trouble, but in this instance, if we lie, we get many people in crisis.  So it is much better to report it as soon as you know or notice symptoms to avoid another rise in statistics.

We are slowly recovering from our losses during the height of this pandemic. Hopefully, in due time, we can receive a full recovery and go back to a new normal. (MIDB)