The Advantages Of Implementing Curfew

CURFEW means a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night. It is a specific time set by the rule that you must be at home or which you must stay at home. It is a regulation enjoining the withdrawal of a usually specified person from the streets or staying outside home, especially during night time. A curfew is a government order specifying a time during which certain regulations apply.
Implementing a curfew is important. It is giving us plenty of benefits. It is an important tool in helping the community peace and order. It is because implementing a curfew is one of the ways that the crime rate in the community will be decreasing or the different crimes will be prevented to happen. So, the community will become peaceful and orderly.
Curfew also helps teenagers to be safe and be far from the different kinds of vices, especially smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverages, and engaging in drug addiction. By implementing a curfew, our teenagers or the youths will just stay at home with their families. So, they will be safe from any danger, especially from the influences of the people who can influence them to engage in doing illegal and immoral things and actions. Moreover, implementing a curfew will teach our teenagers responsibility, self-control, and time management skills.
Juvenile delinquency or the different crimes committed by youths or teenagers will be minimized or will be stopped. It is because if a curfew will be implemented in our society, it will make the youths just stay in their respective houses. So, as a result, they cannot do something illegal in society since they are just inside their houses. They will be far from the different influences that can make them do illegal and immoral acts in the society where they are living.
Curfews are an important tool in helping to manage teens and keeping them away from different risky situations. The reality is that, as the night goes on, most parents have gone home and even gone to bed. There are fewer adults out. The adults and children that are out are more likely to be using alcohol and drugs ( Why Curfews Are Important For Teens, September 11, 2022 ).
Curfews have many advantages that teenagers might not realize; these advantages include staying out of trouble, better time management, less sleep deprivation, and increased focus in school. When following curfews, teens tend to stay out of trouble more because a criminal activity or high-risk behavior is more likely to occur later in the evening when parental supervision is not present. Curfews help teens to become used to setting a schedule that they routinely follow, and become able to develop important time management skills which they will carry out into adulthood. Being able to manage time effectively is useful in a variety of situations including school, work, and personal relationships. Setting curfews also help teens to be able to get to sleep at a decent time, which leads to subsequent focus and wakefulness in school, this could ultimately even lead to better grades ( Teen Scene: Why Curfews Should Be Enforced- Gettysburg Times, September 11, 2022 ).
Implementing a curfew nowadays, during this CoViD-19 pandemic is also helpful. It is because it is one way of stopping the spread of the coronavirus since people are not allowed to go out of their respective homes. People are not allowed to gather in groups thereby limiting their chances of spreading and transmitting the coronavirus, thus preventing it to spread in the community. Implementing a curfew can help everyone in controlling the spread of the coronavirus and other types of viruses that can cause different types of diseases.
Curfew can give us plenty of advantages. Implementing a curfew can make one and all safe and sound, especially the minors who are still in need of parental guidance and supervision. If the government will impose a curfew, let us support it since it is beneficial to one and all.