Sacrifice even more!

The vice governor of Bohol, Dionisio Victor Balite, together with the 13 members of the Bohol provincial board, will get new vehicles amounting to P24 million in total. This news is a massive issue since, if you can recall correctly, the previous vice governor of Bohol, Rene Relampagos, also wanted to repurchase new vehicles. Still, the current vice governor, then senior board member, opposed the idea because the funds could be used for other necessities like medical equipment, etc., since it was during the height of pandemic season then. So, what changed?

Albeit it has been years since that happened, one can claim that VG Balite won the recent elections because of his sincere determination to oppose repurchasing new vehicles then. What changed? The pandemic is still here, so what prompted the need to buy new cars? We can still relocate the P24 million for other projects that can benefit the general public. VG Balite commented that the current vehicles they are using are already old, which might prove detrimental to the lives of the board members. However, that was also the reasoning of the previous administration regarding this issue, yet he opposed this idea then! As earlier pointed out, it has been years since this issue was raised, so the vehicles have gotten even older. However, I firmly believe the vice governor and the 13 members of the Bohol provincial board have the means to buy their cars. Let’s face it, the common phrase of every politician is, “I am running for this position because I want to serve the public..” Serving the public entails personal sacrifice, so what is the issue here? Sacrifice even more! Please prove me wrong.

We are not throwing dirt on the current administration, but please understand our inquiry. Enlighten us regarding this situation even more. (MIDB)