On Kidnapping and Social Media Trending

It seems kidnapping is the latest trend for this week.

Reports have been rampant all over the province since last week. However, the police quickly responded to these claims and investigated them thoroughly. They concluded that the kidnapping reports from the towns of Calape, Ubay, and Carmen were all false.

If ever the claims are genuinely fiction, this situation leads us to another alarming incident: why would they lie about something like kidnapping?  Have the people gone mad so much as to falsify reports about kidnapping? Are they just posting something so heinous as kidnapping to get trending on social media?

These people should be tracked down and punished to the harshest extent of the law! If knowledge is power, then spreading misinformation should be punishable by law.

We must draw the line somewhere to keep internet trolls like this in check.  This paper commend Governor Aris Aumentado and the Bohol police force for taking this matter seriously, even if it is primarily a false report. (MIDB)