RACE to the deadline
SSS hands 15-day ultimatum to
8 erring business establishments

LAST RESORT. SSS RACE team was supposed to hit 15 business establishments who have been default in their mandated SSS registration and contribution payments, in one day but got to only 8 in the list. The Team also urged other establishments with deficiencies to settle it as soon, or face legal complications. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)  

THE government may be meeker this time, but still, in the next 15 days, should the Social Security System (SSS) not receive any attempt to remedy the contribution and registration deficiencies of business establishments, it’s usually some P35K in bail and a lengthy court battle.

This as the SSS through its Run After Contribution Evaders (RACE) Team knocked on the doors of at least 8 business establishments in Panglao and Dauis, to deliver the 15 day ultimatum to settle their deficiency in SSS registration and members contributions, or face suits.

Led by no less than SSS Vice President for the Visayas Atty. Alberto Montalbo and SSS legal department head Atty. Marie Ann Chavez, the team from the social security department swooped upon one school and 7 resorts or accommodation establishments in Panglao and Dauis, to remind them of the potential cases that the government can file against them for their failure to register and pay for employees’ contributions.

Another 7 establishments in Dauis however were spared from the inconvenience of the RACE Team visit, but even then, they have been served notice of their discrepancy and should settle within two weeks, of appropriate cases will be filed, SSS officials assured.

Despite this, the SSS urges establishment owners, especially those in densely populated areas to simply comply with the law, as they just might be the subject of another visit by the SSS in the future.

In the previous RACE raids, the government authorities put up shame campaign to force the contribution and registration offenders to pay or padlock their establishments, but now, the government is extending its soft side, hints Atty. Montalbo.

The 15 day ultimatum however remains, until facilitation at the local SSS branch can be had by the erring establishments.

Under Republic Act No. 11199 or the Social Security Act of 2018, SSS coverage is mandatory for the employer, employees, self-employed, and OFW members, so they’re required to pay the contribution.

The SSS Law also mandates employers to deduct monthly contributions from their employees’ salary and remit them along with their share of contribution to the SSS, and if an employer fails to pay contributions to the SSS as prescribed, it will incur a penalty of two percent per month from the date the contribution falls due until paid.

The SSS contributions will form as the common resource for workers benefits, Atty Montalbo said.  

While those who default with their SSS obligations have enjoyed easy term payments in the past, the program has ended last May.

Nevertheless, those who have contribution payment defaults still have several options, SSS said.

There are options available for easier payment terms, according to Engr. Alieta Basubas, SSS Tagbilaran Branch head, adding that those establishment owners only need to visit the SSS Branch Office to get the offered terms.  

On the other hand, those with deficiencies who decide to gamble it out with the SSS are certain of P32,000 bail, a real danger of jail sentence of six months and penalties which the court may decide.

In fact, during the last RACE Team visit in Bohol, cases against three local establishments have been elevated in court, and to most, they have ended with settlements, according to the local SSS.      

That is excluding legal representation fees and the hassle of being visited in their establishments and be reminded of obligations in front of their clients, guests and other nosy individuals. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)