It is their mandate.

“HONESTY is the best policy”, every human being is being told.

And, everyone has been hearing about this guiding principle even during his basic education – elementary and high school – days years back.

To some observers, this statement may have earned solid embankment in one’s character. To the extent that said words may leave some indelible marks of one’s accomplishments that could be epitomized and exemplified by many. 

To this honest personality, he becomes the complete exemplar of the Servant of Christ.  

But to some, this statement may have left nothing of significance to them.     

They may have memorized the five-letter-word sentence. Deep inside their inner self, however, it was more of a lip service.

Consequently, therefore, this query could follow:

“How much is your honesty?”

The foregoing question was heard for the first time by Short Cuts during his college days when he was still in the College of Law.

And, that particular period was an election year when a Boholano political leader campaigned for his presidential candidate.

“Mga igsoon ko, angay atong suportahan ang kandidatura ni _____ pagka Presidente kay siya boutan ug HONEST pagkatawo.”, the Boholano political leader was saying during his endorsement of the  presidential candidate.

Incidentally, one of the spectators, a lawyer, and positioned beside Short Cuts during the said rally had to make his comment:

“How much is his honesty?

On this raging issue on sugar shortage for the last few days, who is telling the truth and ultimately called to be HONEST?

The consumers or the businessmen dealing on this commodity?

As reported in the national dailies and on radio and TV sets, shortage of sugar had hit the capital city and its neighboring local government units since last week. Worse, supply of soft drinks to the provinces are greatly affected considering that sugar is one of the ingredients of these products. 

But sad to say, a bodega in the province of Bulacan yielded thousands in metric tons of sugar being hoarded when opened early last week by personnel of the Bureau of Customs!

The same incident happened in LGU Pampanga.

And, it occurred almost on the same day!

It is, therefore, an almost foregone conclusion that while majority of our brother Filipinos are surely suffering from the mess, some are certain of enriching themselves.                  

Adding to the proverbial “adding more nails to the coffin” a cargo ship from Thailand had illegally brought in to the country more than 700 thousand metric tons of sugar. And, this happened only two days ago.

Can these hoarders and illegal traders still evade sanctions from government as in the past? Can they not be charged with economic sabotage?  

These queries can never be answered by an ordinary Filipino on the streets.

The new set of newly-appointed officials under the BBM administration must enforce the law.

It is their mandate!