Children’s Rights to Survival, Development, and Special Protection

HOME visitation plays important role beyond academic learning but also to building a child’s self-worth that cultivates a holistic personality development as well.

Kindergarten Education is the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education which consists of one (1) year of preparatory education for children at least five (5) years old as a prerequisite for grade one. Kindergarten teachers from schools usually meet with new students and their families as they shift into kindergarten. Home visits are the best way to a positive communication and build relationships between teachers and their learners. Creating a strong foundation through home visits is only a first step— the development of these relationships through a stable communication is crucial in maintaining them. Home visits are a valuable tool for growing parents’ involvement in their kids’ education. In order to attain a change of behavior and improve learning outcomes for students, it is often necessary to work with or meet family members outside the school environment. Home visits are powerful because they put parents in the comfort zone so that they are not apprehensive by any school personnel.

Conducting home visitation must be ensured that it is in line with what the Department of Education guidelines mandated to do so. Professionalism must always be observed with integrity, discipline, knowledge, and skillfulness before the family and/or before the child.  The kindergarten teacher must ensure familiarity with the procedures and guidelines associated with home visits. This task is very interesting and challenging for a kindergarten teacher because he/she needs to be resourceful and knowledgeable in making a proper explanation to the family to properly build a connection to the family. At home, the teacher can observe the condition of the child, so the teacher can make some ideas on how to help the child or student develop a good manner and right conduct in school. It is in our individual homes where the understanding of how to love God commences and respect to each other of all members of the family. The teacher must relay information with full of truth.

Visitation at home is very important among all because through it, the child could be made more familiar not only with the kindergarten teacher, but also to the other teachers in their areas where the school belongs. The result of this kind of strategy could reassure the child’s benefits for himself/herself as well as the parents. But before the conduct of home visitation, first, a kindergarten teacher must be a model in the first place, living with full of ethics in all forms of worldly life to become a mirror of all children and parents. If this kind of behavior is attained by the kindergarten teacher, then it will become easier for the child to follow.

Home visitation can lead parents to respectful partnership between parents and teachers as well. It aims to uplift the quality of service the school is giving to the pupils and the community where they belong. Through home visits the learners can easily be provided with the necessary needs in order to improve of their performance.