Virus Alert: Monkeypox!

It has already been three years since the COVID-19 pandemic spread throughout the world. We still have not recovered from the damages and losses incurred by the pandemic, and yet another disease-ridden problem has again reached our shores.

Thankfully the monkeypox has not yet arrived here in Bohol, but it is still worrisome that it has afflicted a fellow citizen. We hope our government, especially our local government, learned a lesson from the late actions we initiated during the start of the COVID-19 crisis. It is time to practice caution and be extremely vigilant at all times. Never take anything for granted, and prepare for all possible adverse outcomes.

However, how does this monkeypox scenario affect our educational system? Some schools have already conducted partial face-to-face classes, and some are in the process of enacting them. Will this disease halt the face-to-face classes once again? What are the implications of this disease? How will it affect our current situation right now? Is the government working every angle to combat the spread of this virus?

These questions are looming in everyone’s minds and to no surprise! As we said, we have suffered a lot from the coronavirus, and we hope the sufferings we endured will not be repeated with the emergence of monkeypox. Always be vigilant, and stay safe! (MIDB)