On Tourism Dependency

One thing that has crippled our economy during the COVID-19 crisis in Bohol is our tourism sector. Due to the pandemic, travel bans and population limitations were issued by the WHO and DOH to combat the spread of the virus. This action resulted in our province’s dwindling effect on local and international tourists. However, in light of recent news, tourism is starting to bounce back on its feet.

This situation was made possible by the commendable work of our health and medical sectors. Without their sincere effort, the battle against COVID-19 would have been more challenging and lasted longer. Let us never forget to thank them whenever we can! So, why are we talking about tourism? It is because we are a tourist destination province and earn much of our economy through it. The ebb and flow of our provincial finances depend on tourism. The discussion on the why and the what, the pros and cons of that dependency is subject to another topic.

The question now is: what will the new administration bring into the fold now that business is booming again? We have suffered long and hard during that “drought” of a pandemic, and it is time to look into the core of the problem: dependency on one source of income.

We hope the new sitting leaders will discuss thoroughly regarding this matter in case another global-shaking catastrophe arrives on our doorstep, God forbid.