Mayor Jane Yap attends first City Govt joint meeting

UPON her first attendance to the joint meeting of the City Peace and Order Council (CPOC), City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC), and the City Development Council (CDC) on July 6, 2022, City Mayor Jane Yap was already greeted with good news. Barangay Cabawan is officially “drug-cleared” as declared by the Regional Oversight Committee on Barangay Drug Clearing (ROCBDC).
The ROCBDCs is composed of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Philippine National Police (PNP), Department of Health (DOH), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the local government units.
The good news was announced by Alvin Luis Acuzar of the CADAC. Acuzar said that Brgy. Cabawan complied with all the requirements.
Further, Acuzar clarified that “drug-cleared” is not the same as “drug-free.” In drug-cleared barangays, drug addicts and pushers have undergone rehabilitation and all who are involved in illegal drugs have been identified. On the other hand, drug-free barangays are those that no longer have illegal drugs, drug dens and users and pushers.
To date, two barangays in Tagbilaran City have complied with the requirements for being drug-cleared, barangays San Isidro and Cabawan respectively. Acuzar thanked and acknowledged the collaborative efforts among the City PNP, PDEA, DILG, and the DOH for the support. The CADAC executive also added their target for 2022 is to have more, if not all, barangays in the city declared as drug-cleared.
The joint meeting also approved the Annual Investment Plan for 2022 which includes the construction of the Tagbilaran Public Cemetery and Tagbilaran City Coliseum. The body also welcomed the new City PNP Chief on board, PLTCOL. Regie Real. (Jeanette Busano)