Sleep Well. Live Well

MERRIAM-Webster Dictionary defines sleep as the natural, easily reversible periodic state of many living things that is marked by the absence of wakefulness and the loss of consciousness of one’s surroundings; it is accompanied by a typical body posture; the occurrence of dreaming and changes in brain activity and physiological functioning; it is made up of cycles of non-REM sleep and REM sleep, and is usually considered essential to the restoration and recovery of vital bodily and mental functions.

Sleep is a state where awareness of environmental stimuli is reduced. Sleep is different from the state of coma, hibernation, and death by the fact that it can be rapidly reversed. Like most other mammals, humans also show two types of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (What is Sleep, July 4, 2022).

Sleep is a complex biological process that helps people process new information, stay healthy and re-energize. Periods of sleep and wakefulness are part of how our bodies function. Although you are resting while you sleep, your brain remains highly active. Sleep consists of different stages that repeat several times each night. During sleep, the brain cycles through two distinct phases: REM and non-REM sleep. Not completing the full sleep process can stress your body ( About Sleep, July 4, 2022 ).

Sleep is very important for all of us humans. It is simply because if we are not getting enough rest and sleep, it can affect our health status. Our health will be affected since we can acquire different kinds of illnesses if we are lacking enough rest and sleep every night. However, we sleep well, it can give us plenty of advantages to our body and mind. We must get enough rest and sleep every night so that our body and mind will be functioning well all the time.

According to About Sleep ( July 4, 2022 ), each sleep phase and stage is important to ensure that the mind and body are completely rested. Certain stages help you feel rested and energetic the next day, while other stages help you learn information and form memories. Sleep is important in the function of your body’s other systems, such as your metabolism and immune system. Sleep may also help your body clear toxins from your brain that build up while you were awake. Not getting enough quality sleep contributes to problems with learning and processing information, and it can have a harmful effect on long-term health and well-being.

If we do not have enough rest and sleep, our performance, mood, and health will be affected. We cannot perform well the next day if we do not have enough sleep. We cannot do properly all the things we are supposed to do because we feel sleepy and tired. Our mood will also be affected if we do not have enough quality sleep. We easily get angry, we do not want to be disturbed by others, and we want to be alone and sleep instead of doing something. When someone approaches us or disturbs us, we easily get angry. We do not want to do something else. Most especially, our health will be surely affected if we do not have enough quality sleep.

Sleep is really important for us to have good health. Research has shown that lack of sleep or lack of quality sleep increases a person’s risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and other medical conditions. So, let us make sure that every night we can have enough quality rest and sleep. It is because, when we sleep, our body will repair all the damage in our body. During sleep, the body also produces hormones that help the body grow, build muscle, fight illnesses, and repair damages in our body. Growth hormones are produced during sleep. It is essential for our body’s growth and development. Other hormones produced during sleep affect how our body uses energy, which may explain why lack of sleep contributes to obesity and diabetes.

Let us engrave in our hearts and minds the importance of sleep in our health and well-being. Let us make sure to get enough quality rest and sleep every night so that we will be active and energetic the next day and so that we will not get sick easily. Let us not forget how helpful sleep is to us and how it can make us healthy. So, let us sleep well for us to live well.