Fighting the good fight

THE Diocesan Council of the Laity of the Diocese of Dumaguete mourns the passing of a great Archbishop, His Excellency Archbishop Angel Lagdameo who was for 9 years and 6 months the bishop of our diocese.

This day is a profoundly sad one, though even in this time of grief I cannot help but reflect on the many wonderful experiences that I – and the rest of the people who knew him – shared with Archbishop Lagdameo. In navigating this loss, it is important for us to remember how much richer our lives have been as a result of our relationship with him.

The Diocesan Council of the Laity is very much indebted to this humble and sincere servant of God. We lost a legend, an ideal and combative speaker of God, and a fearless defender of our Catholic faith. He was a lot more to many others whose lives he touched and who looked up to him as their hero and model servant-leader. For me, he was a great shepherd who really inspired us with his commitment and integrity.

Archbishop Lagdameo was a firm supporter of renewal movements and communities. He was responsible for the opening and formation of the Couples for Christ in the Diocese of Dumaguete in 1989. I was then the first Provincial Area Director of Couples for Christ, serving the community as such for 10 years. Because of his strong moral and spiritual support to implement the thrust of rapid, massive and global evangelization, our CFC community was able to generate more than 12,000 active and committed members. He also allowed us to establish our CFC Home Office at the 1st Floor of the Diocesan Pastoral Center.

Bishop Lagdameo served as the first Spiritual Director to CFC Negros Oriental and CFC Visayas. During the 12th anniversary celebration of CFC in 1993, after a vibrant worship, he declared, and I quote: “There is fire in this room! And how I wish that fire will burn the whole of Asia and the whole world.”

It was upon his recommendation, together with Archbishop Pedro Dean, that the CBCP granted recognition to CFC as a National Association of the Lay Faithful in 1996. At that time Bishop Lagdameo wrote, “I offer my prayerful wishes that you (CFC) may fulfill your commitment to become a light to the nations.”

I also remembered that time when my brother, Mario Ablong — who was then very active in the organization, in the formation and strengthening of BECs in the Cathedral Parish and other parishes in the diocese – when he got married, Bishop Lagdameo shouldered all expenses at the Bishop’s Palace with a bonus gift of a bed for the newly-weds. Then there was my other brother who became a priest, Fr. Ronnie Ablong. Bishop Lagdameo was the one who ordained him and helped him to become what he is now.

Many eulogies and speeches have been and will be delivered extolling his goodness; we know he deserves them. But now at the threshold of eternity, the only eulogy he would hear is the invitation of the Lord of Divine Mercy: “Come, blessed of my Father, enter the kingdom which has been prepared for you.”

We pray for the eternal repose of our beloved Archbishop Angel Lagdameo.

If he were around today, I can almost hear him say what was written in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”