Let Go and Live!

It has been a week since former provincial administrator Ae Damalerio challenged Willy Ramasola to a boxing bout. From what we have heard, Willy Ramasola accepted the challenge. The question now is: when will this fight commence? For one, this will probably be a once-in-a-lifetime fight for the two contenders, and it will be an interesting one to boot! These people have been at each other’s throats since before the elections, so an argument is nothing new between the two; however, a physical fight is unusual for them.

This unscheduled boxing fight is highly irregular for Ae Damalerio, considering he was the former provincial administrator, an expected seat of power and influence. He must have had enough of Willy Ramasola’s taunts and trash talk and thought to himself he had nothing to lose, so he issued the challenge. Willy accepted the challenge almost immediately, the people pegged them on even further, and the rest is history.

So, what can we expect from this declaration of challenge? Will it result in an actual fight, or is it all airs? We have to admit that some people are all bark and no bite. We hate for this situation to be the case because we, for one, would like to end this fight already, and if it takes a boxing fight to make this happen, then so be it.

The election has come and gone, so why still with the grievances? Time for us to move on and live our lives as we intended. (MIDB)