Onto environment-friendly and economical electric vehicles!

Oil prices have soared to one of its highest points since typhoon Odette! We cannot emphasize how damaging this is to our already crippling local economy. Fares of Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) / Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJ) will surely increase, including common commodities, due to the domino effect of the hike. If this does not enrage you at what it should do, then the reasoning behind it should do!

According to Teddy Locsin Jr., the oil price hike in the Philippines is not because of the Russia-Ukraine war since the Philippines does not buy Russian oil. So why are our oil prices so high? According to him, it is due to “oil companies’ raw greed.” If this does not warrant some answers, then we are a failure as a nation! What is the reasoning behind the oil companies’ oil price hike? Is it really because of raw greed or something else? We demand answers!

Currently, the oil companies’ representatives have not issued any answer to this claim. Where will they draw the line if it truly is raw greed? Do they want us to suffer even more for something as unnecessary as greed! We think not!

However, since we are talking about oil, we might as well look at alternatives. Tesla Motors is one alternative that will alleviate our need for petroleum in the future. If you have not heard or read about Tesla Motors, what rock have you been living under? We think it is time to invest in more environment-friendly and economical electric vehicles than vehicles that run on oil. Let that be food for thought for us and our foreseeable future.