Say Good, Do Good And Be A Blessing To Others

IT has been said that no man is an island. No one can live without the presence of others around them. No one can survive if there are no other people around them, if they can survive, sure, it could be very difficult for them to survive alone. That is why we need others for us to be able to survive. We need others because it is difficult for us to survive without the presence of others.

Yes, we need others for our survival. But, we also need to remember something about living with others and we should put it in our hearts and minds so that we can live well with others. What we need to always remember is this- we should always say good to others, we should always do good to others, and most especially, we should be a blessing to others, instead of being a burden or the cause of pain and suffering to others. It is really important for us to live well with others, and for love and compassion to reign supreme among people.

If people are not saying and doing good to others, there will be some conflicts and misunderstandings among people. If we say and do something bad and something hurtful to others, it can cause pain and hatred to others. Other people will suffer because of what we have said and done to them which are not all good but bad, sarcastic, and painful. Let us all remember that if it is not easy if one’s heart and feelings will be hurt because of what we have said and done to them. If one’s heart is hurt and wounded, it will take time to heal all those wounds in their heart. To cause wounds in others’ hearts is not that good to do, and we should avoid it to happen.

So, instead of saying and doing bad to others, let us say and do something good to others so that pain and suffering will be avoided to take place, and so that conflict and misunderstanding between and among people will be avoided to happen. If we say and do something good to others, we can be the cause of their joy and happiness. They will become happy because of us or because of what we have said and done to them. Saying and doing something good to others is not that difficult to do. It is very easy to do to others. If we say and do something good to others, for sure, others will also say and do something good to us in return.

It is also very important for us to become a blessing to others. If others are having some problems and are in a difficult situation, it is proper to help them solve their problem. It is right and proper to be a blessing to those people. Let us help them with all our hearts. Let us help them without expecting anything in return. If we have the chance to help others in need, let us not hesitate to extend our help and support to them. Let us all remember that it is really bad not to help others in need if we know by ourselves that we are capable to help those people in need. If we can help others in need, let us help them. Let us be a blessing to others. Let us be the reason why their problems or difficulties will be solved. Are you not happy about helping others? So, let us help one another.

Helping others in need will also make God happy. It is because we are helping one another, and that is what God wants to happen among people. Aside from making the people we helped, God will also become happy. Let us all become a blessing to other people. We can become a blessing to others in many different ways. We can help them solve their problems. We can give them some pieces of advice or words of encouragement and motivation to cheer them up if they have problems. We can let them lend or borrow our money or any other things that can help them solve their problems. Again, let us all be a blessing to others and not cause pain and suffering to other people around us.

If everybody is saying and doing good to others and a blessing to others in need, for sure, there will be no conflicts or misunderstandings to happen among people. But, instead, love and compassion will reign supreme among people. There will be peace and unity among people, and the world will become a better place to live in for one and all. Let us all remember to say and do to others and to be a blessing to others in need.