Another bridge over troubled waters!

It has only been two weeks since we last covered bridges, and yet another bridge has fallen anew. The tone might sound nonchalant, but believe us, we are taking this seriously. What more can we possibly need to ensure that the DPWH rechecks all bridges for a safety inspection? Yes, this proposal takes time, but the welfare of the citizens comes first! Why not do it by age? Recheck the old bridges first, then the new ones later. Is that so difficult to do? For the welfare of all Boholanos, I think not!

So, Borja Bridge in Catigbian, Bohol, collapsed last Thursday morning. According to news sources, the cause of the collapse has yet to be determined. However, we deduce it was due to the overloading of the steel bridge. The LTO placed a traffic sign before the bridge stating that 20 tons are the maximum limit of said infrastructure, and yet the driver of the 12-wheeler truck carrying 34 tons of sand pushed through anyway. It resulted in the bridge’s collapse, especially considering the truck was the only vehicle using the bridge during its fall. The age of the infrastructure might have played a part in its fall since the bridge was built in 1996. However, we cannot blame the bridge, but we can point the finger at the driver who did not heed the road sign.

What prompted the driver to push through, knowing the bridge was only for vehicles weighing 20 tons and below? Was it foolhardiness or downright disregard for the law? Whatever the case, he is lucky he came out of it alive. We hope he has learned his lesson, or God forbid, the next time, he will not be so fortunate. (MIDB)