The prices for essential commodities have risen by a noticeable margin yet again! Not only these but taxes and the Philhealth contribution have also increased, and if that is not a problem worth mentioning, I do not know what is!
We go to work every weekday, and others even do the whole week to earn enough to live a comfortable and livable life. That was the usual norm and should be the standard norm, yet due to unavoidable circumstances, may it be international or national, and the law of cause-and-effect, prices have skyrocketed to unimaginable degrees that have affected the fragile balance between work and comfortable living.
These days working for a bare minimum will not even satisfy one’s nutritional needs for the day, lest living with one’s own family! As aptly put by Friedrich Nietzsche, “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” But with the commodity prices so high, how much suffering do we have to endure to find relief and meaning in our individual lives?
Paying for one’s commodities and taxes is not usually a problem even with said price hikes, etc., if matched with raises in one’s salaries and wages. We mostly do not get the salary and wage increases even when we are drowning in debts. We say it is time to find justice when it comes to dues! We toiled, we endured, and it is just right that we earn what is due to us. We will not question price hikes and even increase in taxes as long as the government explains it rightly; however, we ask for the lack of increase in our basic salaries and wages. Balance is vital in everything, especially when working and in life. (MIDB)