BASED on personal experiences, Juana is so proud to say that she is good at negotiating with top management. She has this ability to get support with all the activities to engage in order to achieve the targets as mandated and planned. Whenever she submitted proposals for budget allocation and approval from the identified stakeholders, she could not remember any incidence that she was turned down. She believes, she walks her talk and rightfully does things in the agency she belongs. Juana believes she has an intellectual ability that could respond to the needs, issues, and concerns of her colleagues in identifying facilitating and hindering factors in achieving the targets as identified in the School Improvement Plan (SIP) developed by the school. With her academic achievement, she always ends up the school year as an honor student though she has to do a lot of home chores just to help her parents with their financial needs. She graduated from her elementary and secondary education as an honor student.

She finished her baccalaureate degree course, as magna cum laude, amidst her participation in co-curricular activities. She was a member of the taekwondo class, team captain in the basketball in the college of education, membership in the campus ministry in the diocese, and a fraternity member. With these academic achievements, with great pride and honor, it’s safe for her to say that she is ok and contented with her intellectual ability.
To become a peak performer in the organization or agency she is in, she did not settle for anything less than her full potential. She needs to do more readings, and attend more workshops and capability-building activities to ensure the total development of her skills and competencies. She does not have this idea of thinking for herself, but for her personal and professional development. She was guided by this conversation taken from her Facebook account:
“CFO asks: CEO: What happens if we invest in developing our people, and then they leave us?
CE: “What happens if we don’t and they stay?”
She always thinks of others’ development, capacity and competence, because the whole system would be affected if nobody cares. She does not want DepEd to be providing low quality of education. Therefore, capability-building programs must be offered to low-performing teachers, and hopefully, more incentives are given to those performing above standards.
Endurance for her is a very difficult thing, but with the experiences she had in life, she is willing to face situations without giving up. She feels that life on this physical earth is a kind of race, but with God-given talents, abilities, and lessons in life everything, would be provided with appropriate actions.

With hard work, commitment, and dedication, she was promoted from a classroom teacher to managing a school, then became a public school district supervisor. She graduated with her graduate study course, Master of Arts in Education. Years after graduation got her Doctor of Philosophy degree. As a fulfilled wife, a mother, a happy and fulfilled grandmother of beautiful kids, and as far as to her profession is concerned, she considers herself provided awards with her specific actions both in personal and professional aspect of her life. Juana knows, she has a lot of limitations and weaknesses. Communication skills, written abilities, integration skills, and a sort of negotiation skills, if given the opportunity, she is very much willing to attend more enhancement activities. She knows engagement with different individuals would help her improve herself. With the very hectic and busy schedule she has, she does not have time to read books, but she could safely say, that modern gadget utilization to access and send information, is the most important skill that is enhanced. With the access to new information from the internet access, she was able to develop her skills in making and giving analysis, which leads to the performance of the mandated tasks in her agency.
Referred to as a person having a very strong personality, but deep inside, she has a soft spot for the needy and a willingness to avoid further disagreements. She believes that based on the achieved targets, accomplishments, and awards she had, it’s safe for her to say that she has this one hundred and one percent willingness in assuming responsibilities assigned.