By Law; Be Safe

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has again landed on our shores. They are popping out of nowhere in various places around our province to inspect vehicles and their respective drivers for required papers and licenses. We have no issue against that as long as they are doing their job correctly and without bias because they only seem to stop motorcycles ever since then, thus incurring the wrath and complaint from said riders.

We believe in the work done by the LTO officials as long as they do it justly and with patience. They are also trying to make ends meet like we are, and they also have bosses to follow and to please, just like we do. This situation all boils down to respect and following the rules laid out by the LTO to ensure safe travels and road safety.

However, some people have been posting on social media stating the unfairness or the postponement of the LTO checkpoints since our province suffered severely from the recent catastrophe of typhoons Odette and Rai. The people claimed that we had no time to think about registering/renewing our vehicles and licenses due to our accumulated problems during the disasters. If that is the case, why were some people able to acquire and complete said papers and licenses while some failed to do so? We can argue that people have different problems, means, and resources, which can help lighten or increase one’s load. But what about the human will? That question now dwells in the realm of philosophy and another topic altogether.

We do not condone illegal driving through driving without a driver’s license or proper vehicular permit. Still, to avoid sanctions, you have to comply with the LTO requirements, use public transportation for now, and endure the proceedings. All of these ordeals are for the benefit of all of us. Let us follow the laws and stay safe.