The fight lives on!

The election has finally come and gone, and with that result, we have a new President-elect and Vice-President-elect. This election proved to be even more intense than the before elections. All supporters of current sitting Vice-President Leni Robredo, who threw her hat in the ring for the presidency, were dissatisfied with the election results, but part of democracy is to accept the will of the majority and the people have chosen and spoken. However, let us not focus on the national elections as of now but rather focus on the local elections.

We also have a new Governor-elect and Vice-Governor-elect in our province! These results were shocking for many because they believed Governor Art Yap and Vice-Governor Rene Relampagos would remain in office for another three years. However, the Boholanos have spoken and thought we needed new officials in the gubernatorial positions to satisfy our needs.

With the election results in mind, the question now remains in people’s minds: will they be able to answer the cries of the Filipino people? For generations, we have been thirsty for progress, justice, and proper governance regardless of one’s status in life. Will this hunger finally be satiated by the soon-to-be leaders in our provinces and nation? I hope and pray so, but until then, only time will tell, and the fight lives on! (MIDB)