Between Love and Hate

IT is undeniable that love plays an enormous and unavoidable role in our lives; we find it discussed in songs, films, and novels—humorously or seriously; it is a constant theme of maturing life and a vibrant piece for youth. To theories of love, it’s an intensely spiritual affair that permits us to touch divinity at its highest. Historically, it provides us with an enormously influential and attractive notion that love is characterized by a series of elevations, in which animalistic desire or base lust is superseded by a more intellectual conception of love, which also is surpassed by what may be construed by a theological vision of love that transcends sensual attraction and mutuality. While Aristotle and his more secular theory of true love were described as ‘two bodies and one soul.’ But to the author, it simply is a splendor beyond any description.

Everyone’s love story is unique in how love keeps the bond between couples, families, friends, communities, and relationships. How could great love withstand the challenges and adversities from outside forces? How strong should it be to overpower hatred? Therefore, one needs to self-assess the level of these two most abused feelings that cause mental illness and ruin all types of relationships. This story may help you find your strength and weakness in dealing with your 5 IQs, the “IDEAS.”

I – Intelligence Quotient
D – igital Quotient

E – motional Quotient

A – dversity Quotient

S – ocial and Spiritual Quotient

Having all these quotients in us from average to high is nutritional status.

            This brief story is about a very inimitable friendship made stronger between love and hate. Two equally different individuals find themselves perfectly matched when working as a team. They have rare chemistry they could not see from others that made them work in pairs to adhere to their duties’ call. They both shared the same aspirations, dreams in life, and goals to take for self and professional growth. This becomes the pillar of their bond. They perfectly portray the image of the quote, “No man is an island” (Thomas Merton). However, like other typical relationships, theirs is never an exception.

            Like gold, their connection has been tested on fire, not just once, twice, but countless times. They fight and argue about something because they take the opposite sides of ideas, perspectives, or viewpoints. Usually, they hurt each other’s feelings over phone calls and on messenger. Silence comes next for days; however, when they meet up on duty, they cannot withstand without treating each other like there was no fight and smiling like there was no hurting. The re-connection naturally comes without a push, it just happened, and there it goes no bounds. Indeed,“Being friends after a breakup is like having iced tea and hot coffee together.” It counts to have a humble and forgiving heart. This significantly contributes to a healthy relationship. One had to compromise right under critical circumstances. This helps save the best to last.

It is said that the price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.  Hate leaves ugly scars; love leaves beautiful ones”. “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it”. Love and hate have a magical transforming power. They are great soul changers. So, why keep the latter in your heart? Why not fill it with love? A happy disposition in life starts in you. When love covers all imperfections, it makes faultiness perfectly suitable, leaving the mind and heart at peace. A peaceful mind and spirit are where healthy well-being begins.

The world is full of indifference, making it colorless when you dwell on hatred. Nobody knows what tomorrow brings. So, every day must be spent to the best we can like it is our last. The story above mirrors bridging relationships in keeping life a healthy living to enjoy to the fullest. Thus, possessing the “IDEAS” will make you the best version of your personality as you live a perfect legacy to the generations of the next century.

Believe with all your heart and mind that you can make a difference. Love over hate is not only found in songs, novels, and movies. It happens in real life, in true stories of our histories. It is what we make it. Having both feelings made us usually the person we are. It is the equilibrium of our existence that gives life its meaning. All of us can make our books to tell. Stories like this usually continue with limitless and exciting chapters because it is part of our being.

Relationships must be valued. Our mental health and personal well-being are tied up in the quality of our relationships. The more closely we are connected to the people we love, the happier we feel and the more personal satisfaction we have in our lives. Most people rate moments of connection and shared enjoyment with their loved ones as their most important life experiences. These crucial relationships include family and personal friends and the broader groups and communities we belong to. Forming connections and a sense of community with work colleagues, neighbors, and the various groups that make up our identity (such as sports, hobbies, religious, and community groups) all contribute to our well-being. Forming a sense of belonging with other people around a shared mission or identity significantly contributes to our understanding of personal meaning in life. Our emotional resilience is interwoven into the strength of the communities to which we belong. From the web of our relationships and connections with other people, we draw our strength. Such communities can lift us when we are down and give us the capacity to deal with whatever challenges come our way.

So, possess a heart to love big and hate less with the latter as only temporary to maintain the balance. Between is where the strength lies that strongly ties every bond.