And, now this can be told!

IN last week’s column, Short Cuts touched on the most “memorable and miraculous” incident that ever happened in his lifetime.

To recall, Short Cuts was on his way home from a visit of his school in LGU Carmen via the Loboc-Bilar road. While he was negotiating the midsection of the man-made forest, his trip was stalled for about half an hour.


A photo OPS of a group led by no less than a high ranking official of the province and that of a showbiz personality from Manila! No less than Robin Padilla – a senatorial candidate in this May elections –  was with the group!

He was the main personality in that photo OPS!

After suffering the traffic mess, Short Cuts and the rest of about twenty vehicles were allowed to go.

And, it was in Short Cuts trip from the man-made forest to the capital city that he suffered another traffic problem.

This time, right at the mid-section of the now-collapsed CLARIN BRIDGE!

Reason for the second traffic jam suffered by Short Cuts?

The group that caused the first traffic jam at the man-made forest was the SAME group that ‘sinned’ for the second time around!

The same group INSISTED to proceed to the city with the total disregard of those ahead of the group.

The “wangwang” of the Highway Patrol car followed by the Police Patrol car and that of the high ranking provincial elected official made the group the KING of the road.     

What is the implication that could be attributed to this scenario?

And, now this can be told.

With the “wangwang”, all travelling vehicles – to and from the city – had to stop.

At this point in time, Short Cuts was already positioned at the mid-section of the CLARIN BRIDGE. And the whole stretch of the CLARIN BRIDGE was totally filled with vehicles!

All kinds of vehicles, including fully-loaded cargo and dump trucks.  

Then, the “wangwang” group had fully exited its way to the city from the man-made forest.

What happened next?

The same group insisted its way to the city. Disregarding the heavy traffic that was happening at the CLARIN BRIDGE, loud sirens were sounded as if to signal its “KINGSHIP’’ on the road. 

And, maybe because there was no traffic officer manning the area on that particular time, Short Cuts’ group was not able to follow the “wangwang” group to the city.

The group of vehicles proceeding to the eastern part of the province was the first to depart and those going to the city followed  later.

While on that particular position, a number of fully-loaded cargo and dump trucks passed by.

Short Cuts was alarmed and totally shocked.


The CLARIN BRIDGE jerked and swayed for quite a time! It lasted for over half a minute after the last cargo truck left the bridge. 

Such a scenario was never experienced by Short Cuts in his previous trips passing over the CLARIN BRIDGE.   

Six days after the traffic jam incident . . . . . . the CLARIN BRIDGE collapsed!

Now, the CLARIN BRIDGE is “enjoying” the cool bed of the Loboc River.