Volcanic eruption

TSIMIS ni ha.

Husband has been wooing Separated Mom for several months now. He likes her, she is pretty and sexy, though a bit chubby. He likes the way she talks, especially her eyes, very expressive kuno.

So all kinds of offered incentives are made, mostly money-based. But all he got was rejections, though she made it friendly and not enough to make him incendiary. Just enough to bring home the message that she is not interested. In short, friends ra gihapon sila.

One time, their paths crossed because she is into business, never mind the type basta legit business. The encounter happened somewhere in Luzon.

Anticipating a “not-so-wholesome” encounter, the Separated Mom brought along her friend, who is a Single Mom but also into some business of her own, legit business still. Whatever happens, she thought of using the Single Mom as optional “bait” for the Husband.

* * *

As things developed, there was a business transaction between the Husband and the Separated Mom but the problem arose when time for payment came.

Dili na man mobayad si Husband, leaving the Separated Mom very irate and frustrated.

It turned out nga nanimawos diay si Husband ni Separated Mom, thinking that she could do nothing to harm him, or his Mayor Wife. After all, he has already intimated to her, in great detail, that he knows a lot of powerful and influential officials in government, thanks to his Wife, so he is confident that she knows where she stands in the event she decides to go toe-to-toe with him.

The problem is he underestimated her big time. Turned out that the Separated Mom has a vast array of friends, also in high places. One thing led to another until she finds herself a lawyer.

* * *

The lawyer sent demand letters to the Husband, copy furnished to the Mayor-Wife.

Turned out that the Mayor-Wife has no inkling about the whole expanse of the husband’s business activities. Well, she knows he is into business but not the kind of business where he refuses to honor his obligations or do some hanky-panky things just to strike a good deal.

Because she was furnished a copy of the demand letter, the Mayor-Wife got wind of the sad story and confronted the Husband. He assured her he would settle the obligation asap, just to free himself of the wifely nag, thinking that was the end of it.

Unknown to her, the Husband wanted to take a bold, and stupid, step to simply ignore the warnings from the lawyer because he thought he could worm his way into her confidence given the chance.

But he was in for a great surprise.


Because apart from the legal recourse, the Separated Mom is now seeking a way to “get in touch” with the Mayor Wife and “spill the beans” on her husband.

And what is that?

Turned out that the Husband had several “secret bouts” with the Single Mom in their trip somewhere in Luzon, paid her big time and committed to “support” her provided she continued the liaison with him, secretly that is.

* * *

How this will develop in the coming days is still speculative. But for the time being, the Separated Mom is indulging herself with some advices from her friends on how best to “confront” the Mayor-Wife especially so that local elections is just a few months away.

If the Husband fails to contain the situation, there will be volcanic sparks for sure, possibly worse than that of Kanlaon Volcano, vowed the Separated Mom.