Are You In A Front Position?

ARE you a guide, a commander or a conductor? Are you a leader, who knows how to play the first card in the round? Are you the foremost horse in a team?

Do you know how to direct, to persuade or to precede?

I found a very nice quotation shared by Dr. John C. Maxwell, the leading authority on leadership, who says, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way!” “Nearly all men can withstand adversity. If you truly want to test a man’s character, give him power”, already stressed Abraham Lincoln. Character is what you are doing in the dark. By the way, nowadays, I wouldn’t only mention “men” alone when it comes to leadership. There are innumerable women holding their own.

Remember and look around: in the past and at present one can observe someone at any corner offering us to lead our way. Politicians compete for our vote of confidence. Athletes and entertainers show us their pictures of success. A lot of different religious leaders pledge, promise and bind in flock gatherings.

Well, what are some of the traits that a great leader must have or develop character? Is character really enough? How about integrity? Are you, my dear reader, a leader? Is what you are saying AND DOING, the same? Are your followers wholeheartedly convinced of your integrity?

Albert Einstein, one of my favourite idols, had said, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with the important matters!”

Leaders in politics, leaders in clergy, leaders in business – many are lacking this specific trait, because, after all, what they say is not what they do. We need leaders with character, integrity, discipline and the ability to influence others in a positive way.  A leader must be able to motivate his or her people around, rather than manipulate them or run away in times of difficult decisions!

Albert Einstein claimed that he had no special abilities, only persistence. But that was enough to develop the General Relativity Theory. I learned from my Philippine mentor Monsignor Professor Dr. Hermogenes E. Bacareza already during the 1980s: “It’s important to become your own best friend. Be your own coach. Take to your inner self as if you were talking to another person you care deeply about. And, pray!”


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