Sexism is never okay!

“Baka ma-offend, babae eh'” Edi wow! What generation are you from, Mr. Domagoso? In fact, sexism should not even be tolerated no matter what generation you sired from.

Do not get me wrong. I believe there are some things men can do that women cannot and vice versa, but the context initiated by Isko Moreno is not one of those examples. What he did was just outright uncalled for and a blatant textbook definition of sexism! Who is he to set the bar on when and how a man and/or a woman should feel towards criticisms?

Even if he apologized or apologizes for that remark is not the issue here. The issue is that we already have a president who clearly says what he has on his mind without discerning if it should even be said, and let me tell you, we already have enough! This time we need a president who thinks before he acts and definitely consults his team before conducting actions that reflect the nation. Most definitely, we also need a president who is not sexist! Why? Because we suffer as a whole! Why do we have to elect leaders who do not think of the consequences and the repercussions that bounce back to the Filipino people?

Enough is enough! It is time for us to think as a whole and not just as an individual. Every action we make has a rippling effect that affects everyone, and always remember: Sexism is never okay! (MIDB)