It is possible and let it happen

GENDER and Development (GAD) programs in the Division of Bohol has been increasing in number under the leadership of Dr. Maya V. Tumalon, the Division GAD Coordinator which made a leap in the development of the overall personality of individuals, strengthen mental health and even emotional stability of the teaching and non-teaching personnel through series of orientations and capability buildings. Lately, with the conduct of the Psychological First Aid (PFA).

It is indeed true after Typhoon Odette has made great havoc on the properties and lives of Boholanos, it carves painful memories in the mind and heart of people. A lot are experiencing depression, a dangerous state of the mind which may result to some kind of illness or even suicidal if left ignored by family, relatives and friends. This is one of the sad realities in life that even young ones committed suicide maybe because they lack moral support from people they thought they are cared-for. They feel disconnected and failed to bear the pain and failed to cope with the stress that they are going through. So they resort to building walls around them, indulge in self-pity until it worsened to depression.

One’s mental and emotional health sometimes beat in unison and sometimes in different phases of the dice. At times they shared the same thoughts and feelings and at other times not. When the mind is healthy, it can coach the heart to feel right; it can guide the heart on what is the right thing to do and to feel in order to adjust and cope with all the challenges and adversities in the arena of life. A healthy mind keeps control and balance of a healthy wellbeing.  If the mind is healthy, the heart can bear all types of pain, hurt and sadness. This is why everyone must be sure of having a sound mind.

Looking beyond of what is best, Bohol Division has been conducting a series of Capability Buildings under GAD projects. One of the projects on Live Love Lead Amidst Challenges (LLLAC) is the ALOHA in which the author is a member of the Technical Working Group (TWG). Like all other projects of LLLACs, the purpose of the CB is to build a support system wherein all will experience the spirit of belonging, acceptance and the feeling of being valued. Proven to be true, this has helped greatly in staying optimistic that there is more in life than to dream, achieve and enjoy. This has motivated everyone to have a purpose-driven life and live with that purpose. There is no one born incapable of doing something. The little things that you think that are worthless is where big things begin. What matters most is the courage and determination to change, grow and to share the pool of knowledge and skills to those who may need it without counting the cost. Only then that true happiness and contentment is felt making life so fulfilling.

Recently, an Orientation on Psychological First Aid has been conducted to all teaching and non-teaching personnel of Bohol Division. The activity was scheduled according to coordinatorships on specific dates specified by the Division Memorandum circulated to the concerns. The author has attended the PFA for all District GAD focal persons last Feb. 28-March 1, 2022 at BPSTEA Tagbilaran City. She had seen the entire flow of the activity, how the participants were handled in processing the grief experiences and how each one were given the needed Psychological First Aid. Doing so, she herself felt light-hearted like a bulk of burden in the heart has been discharged. The feeling is cool and awe-inspiring.

To apply the gained knowledge, the participants were given the opportunity to act-out a situation in giving PFA to victims of different types of depression appropriately according to the standards. Moreover, one of the highlights during the PFA orientation was a time for a dancercise. The 30minutes to 1 hour dancing has proven to be a wonderful healing of stress. The movements and steps seems to have stirred away every unwanted emotional load. All were sweating but the enjoyment is worth of its every drop. This important activity has been cascaded to the respective districts in order to address the depression issues among teachers and learners in schools.

Today, the PFA activities of different districts in the Division of Bohol are flooding in social media, particularly in Facebook. It is heart-touching to think that PFAiders are now flaring closer to our doorsteps to respond when needed. Like the click of a mouse, help is right at your fingertips. There is no need to delay if situations become alarming. One must be vigilant to quickly help and rescue a victim before it’s too late. The life you saved might be the life of your love ones.

According to the author’s view, “Psychological First Aid does not end after the orientation or after helping a victim to overcome his suffering. It happens every day at home, in school or in the community. It doesn’t mean that you have to look for a victim to be cured. It can be applied even on daily normal conversations in the family and friends. Simply listening to someone who confess and confide something might perhaps all what he/she needs to lighten her heart.  A smile to someone you come across with on your way might brighten up her day. Making someone laugh on silly jokes and making yourself a clown to fill the house with laughter and cheers is already a type of healing grief. A joke is not bad if it is done constructively without causing pain and hurt to anyone. Instead, it helped someone to overcome sadness…and psychologically leads to healing”.

It has been said that you cannot give out your best on unsound circumstances. Looking into one’s self: should you make self-assessments if you are still OKAY, mentally and emotionally? How can one pick up the broken pieces of other people if you yourself is not a whole too? Is it really true that, IT IS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY? Indeed, a smile or a loud laughter is not a guarantee that a person is happy. Sometimes, the PFAider needs the service of a colleague to be healed in one’s own depression and mental unsoundness. For this purpose is only to why District PFAiders were the ones who first underwent the PFA healing process. Surely, everyone is completely prepared and ready to face the challenge of everyday in healing the world into a better place to live. Remember that Psychological First Aid happens anytime and anywhere even on normal life conditions. Though the process of healing is never instant, but the determination to succeed must be strong.

According to John Weaver, “There is nothing you can say or do that will quickly end the shock, ease the pain, or make survivors feel better…but there are lots of things you can say or do that can make them feel (act) worse”. So, being God’s instruments in helping the psychological problems of survivors, we shall act and respond accordingly to our vital roles. Connect, share, love and care through PFA-giving to the needy. It is possible, let it happen.

“True happiness is the unexplainable joy in the heart when you had shared priceless blessing to the wretched. May everyone shares the same vision of a healthy people in a beautiful world”.