He comes from Bohol!

SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 is a very memorable date to all freedom loving Filipinos.


It is the same date when when Martial Law was declared in the Philippines by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos. For reasons – valid or not – and only known to him, all filipinos were divested of their respective freedom and privileges.

Freedom of movement and speech were foremost under the same proclamation!

Beginning on a certain hour in the evening, no one was allowed to roam around the city streets and even in the barangay roads until a fixed hour in the early morning of the following day. As a consequence, city and municipal streets, and even barangay roads were as silent as the early dawn of the day during those days.

Those born in the latter part of the 1950’s were witnesses to the most unforgettable event.

Elected officials were not exempted from the Martial Law Rules. In fact, they, too, were expected to be the most compliant with the mandate. Otherwise, they are either put to jail or dismissed from their respective offices.

Short Cuts is fully aware of the tragic events that happened during the Martial Law era. For he was then the incumbent Municipal Mayor of his town when Martial Law was declared. At 31 years of age at that time, he was the youngest town executive the whole of Region 7.

And, if only to be updated in all the events and occurrences that transpired in his town, he was always side by side with his Chief of Police during the nightly roving conducted by the entire Police Force.

Short Cuts never missed a night with his Police Force during the early part of Martial Law. Therefore, he witnessed the tranquility and peace that his municipality enjoyed during those days. Seldom were quarrels in the neighborhood could be heard.

Taken as one, Short Cuts’ whole local government unit became a disciplined unit.

And, it is Short Cuts’ belief that what his local government unit enjoyed at that time was also prevalent in almost all the municipalities nationwide.

But, here is a very interesting event that transpired in the first meeting called by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos at Manila immediately after Martial Law was declared. This pertains to a verbal complaint uttered by a Municipal Mayor about a Barangay Captain in his locality who does not follow his order for a disciplined citizenry.

Do you know the answer of the President to the query?

“You better resign, mayor.” said the President in a very loud voice.

And, do you know the address of the inquiring MAYOR?

He comes from Bohol!