Heroes in the making

Gone are the days of legendary people and their glorious feats. In this day and age, we are bombarded with tons of information per minute that most of the time it fails to register in our brains. This situation has led to the desensitization of our emotions to react to actions that are extraordinary in nature as either a fluke or too good to be true.

We did not always act so poorly. We used to praise heroes and condemn evildoers, however that is not almost always the case in the present time. The righteous have dwindled in numbers while the criminals became wiser and even more brazen than before! Is this the precursor for the end of time?

No! It is never too late to bring back what good we lost. As we celebrate and honor the deeds of our fallen heroes during the Day of Valor, let us accept the challenge for responsibility and dignity as descendants of champions by being a good citizen and a good neighbor, by instilling our local traditions and customs, and by electing leaders who are just, wise, and good. These are our duties; these are our crosses to bear; these are our monsters to conquer, and we will achieve it for we are heroes in the making! (MIDB)