City launches 2024 Philippine Civil
Service Anniversary celebration

EMPLOYEES’ LOUNGE.  The City Government of Tagbilaran through the City Human Resource Management and Development Office (CHRMDO) opened the Employee Wellness Lounge in celebration of the 124th Philippine Civil Service Month at the City Hall Atrium on September 2, 2024. In photo from left: City Accountant Eleanor Beniga, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Pocot, City Social Welfare and Development Officer Lucille Clarin, City Administrator Cathelyn Torremocha, Tagbilaran City College Administrator Del Mark Cagatin, and Assistant City Human Resource Management and Development Officer Karina Mae Uy-Bucoy during the ribbon cutting of the Employee Wellness Lounge.

THE City Government of Tagbilaran launched its Philippine Civil Service Anniversary (PCSA) celebration with an engaging event on September 2, 2024 at the City Hall Atrium.

Representing Mayor Jane Yap, City Administrator Cathelyn Torremocha led the opening ceremony and delivered an inspiring message on behalf of the Mayor.

In her speech, Torremocha underscored the importance of civil service and the remarkable contributions of city hall employees. She conveyed Mayor Yap’s deep gratitude for their dedication, encouraging everyone to participate in the upcoming activities.

“We are here to celebrate each one of you. Your hard work and dedication to serving the people of Tagbilaran do not go unnoticed. Let these activities serve as a reminder of the importance of your roles and the difference you make in our community,” she added.

The event featured the opening of the Wellness Lounge, a new space dedicated to promoting relaxation and well-being among city hall employees. It also marked the initial weigh-in for the Biggest Loser Challenge, a healthy competition designed to encourage staff to adopt healthier lifestyles. The month-long celebrations will include a series of activities aimed at enhancing employee well-being, professional development, and camaraderie.

On September 6, the “Pag-atiman”: Employee Pampering Day will offer free massage and haircut services to all city hall employees as a token of appreciation for their hard work.

The “Pag-amoma”: Free Health Services and Wellness Symposium on September 13 will focus on the physical and mental well-being of employees.

The “Pagkat-on”: HR Symposium 2024, scheduled for September 24 at JJ’s Seafood Village, will provide an opportunity for employees to learn and engage in discussions about human resource management and best practices in the public sector.

The celebration activities will culminate on September 27 with the “Pasidungog”: Employee Recognition Program, where outstanding employees will be honored for their exemplary service.

Additional activities include “Pagpahinumdom”: Theme Outfit Tuesdays, encouraging employees to dress according to a weekly theme, and “Pagdula”: Palaro Thursdays, featuring various recreational activities to promote teamwork and physical fitness.

The launch of the PCSA celebration highlights the City Government of Tagbilaran’s commitment to fostering a supportive and engaging work environment. Through these activities, the city aims to boost employee morale, enhance professional skills, and promote a healthy work-life balance, ensuring that city hall employees feel valued and appreciated for their crucial role in serving the people of Tagbilaran City.